
Tackling single-use items: independent report

Report from the Expert Panel for Environmental Charging and Other Measures setting out principles that can be used to reduce the dependence on single-use items in society.


1. Single-use items: Items designed be disposed of without being reused or replenished.

2. The Hidden Cost of Grocery Packaging, Zero Waste Scotland.

3. UN Environment – Plastics and Shallow Water Coral Reefs

4. National Litter Strategy Partner Guide Part One: Enforcement

5. Hidden Cost of Packaging – Zero Waste Scotland

6. UK Plastics Pact Update 17th December 2019

7. Green Alliance – Fixing the System

8. Report of the Expert Panel on Environmental Charging and Other Measures: Recommendations on Single-use Disposable Beverage Cups.

9. Consequential LCA’s include the indirect changes in a system as a result of the product, rather than simply the impacts of the processes used to product, consume and dispose of the product.

10. Note: Any publications published after the publication of this report will not be included.



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