National Care Service - making sure your voice is heard: regional forums - easy read findings summary
In summer 2023, we held events across Scotland as part of our work to co-design the National Care Service (NCS). The events covered different themes. This easy-read report contains feedback on the Making sure your voice is heard theme.
Support Planning

Support Planning is making a plan for support from social care services.
What is working well?

Carer centres are important as they provide information. Not all services are the same in all areas.

Having a good conversation is important.
What is not working well?

Not everyone knows how to get support.

Services telling people about social care support are not the same across Scotland.

Community hubs and community link workers were good services for those who used them.

The support planning process can be stressful. People felt like they were being judged, which made them anxious.

Assessments can happen without speaking to the individual.

Support planning is not always done by qualified staff.

Communication from social workers can be slow.

People can be required to repeat the assessment process if they move to a new area. They cannot take their existing care with them.

Not all staff are aware of the role and needs of unpaid carers.

Most people said the lack of social work services was the main reason for many of the things that are not working well.
How can we make it better?

Change the way people think about social care support. It should not be seen as a bad thing.

Give people clear information.

Make support services available earlier.

Services should signpost to other local support like befriending services or local walking groups.

Make a single contact to help manage the whole process. This could be a central helpline.

Listen to everyone including family, friends, and services. This will let us see earlier if someone needs support.

Have community-based supports so people can contact them.

Work with the voluntary organisations as they provide services. This would help the council and NHS get good outcomes for people.
There is a problem
Thanks for your feedback