Digital Identity Programme Board: terms of reference

Terms of reference for the Digital Identity Scotland Programme Board.


To oversee the programme governance for the delivery of the Scottish Government Digital Identity Programme. The programme aims to deliver the Digital Strategy commitment to introduce “a trusted and secure digital identity service for users that will provide a standard approach across the Scottish public sector to log in, prove who they are, and demonstrate they are eligible for a service”.

The group was formerly known as the Online Identity Assurance Programme Board and was first established in 2017 to oversee the programme from the start of the initial discovery work onwards.


The key function of the Programme Board (the Board) is to offer constructive challenge and provide advice, guidance and make recommendations to the Senior Responsible Officer, who is ultimately responsible for Programme decision making.

The Board will oversee programme governance, including managing risk and accountability, and will provide assistance to the Programme in identifying opportunities for the implementation of products and services in support of the aim of delivering a common public sector approach to digital identity.


To date, the Board has overseen the delivery of the following programme of work: 

  • the close of pre-discovery work, which ran until the end of December 2017 

  • the delivery of the Discovery Project (from January to May 2018), including service design and technical discovery work

  • the planning and delivery of the Alpha and Beta phases of the work (completed in 2021) 

  • and delivery of a live private and open beta product (current)

The Board will review the outcomes, findings and recommendations that emerge from the work programme, and provide advice on the business case, plans and delivery of the digital identity service.

The Board will oversee the effective programme management of the work, including: 

  • oversight of the approach to risk management, including approving and keeping under review the risk management plan 

  • oversee resourcing and financial reporting against the programme budget 

  • consideration of progress reporting and taking decisions on proposals for change that impact on the expected outcomes and benefits 

  • approving and keeping under review the governance structure, programme objectives and controls within which the programme can be effectively managed

The Board will oversee the approach to stakeholder communications and engagement, and the involvement of service providers and technical ‘experts’. In particular, the Board will provide assistance and support to the Programme in identifying opportunities for the implementation of products and services across the Scottish public sector.

The Board will consider advice and input from technical and subject matter experts, via the Digital Identity Expert Group, consultation and dialogue with stakeholders and from public engagement. 

The Board will highlight where there are strategic links across the landscape and direction for digital public service delivery and ensure that the programme continues to align to the national policy and legislative framework.

The Board will oversee that the overall work is conducted in the spirit and practice of Open Government.

The Board will maintain oversight on ethics and values to ensure these matters remain at the forefront within the work.

The Board will oversee the approach to privacy and security for the programme.

Towards the end of the overall programme, the Board will oversee the delivery of a business case, benefits realisation plan and transition plans for implementation of the preferred approach, including arrangements for handover to new governance arrangements if appropriate.

The Board has responsibility for closing the programme, including reviewing and approving a final position report, and plans for controlled closure, including evaluation, lessons capture and knowledge transfer.


The Board will aim to meet at least quarterly, although may amend its schedule of meetings to fit the needs of the programme. Deep dives, and Show and Tells, may be organised between meetings as required. 

Members may nominate one alternate or delegate to attend those meetings which they are unable to attend. 

The Programme Board will be supported by the Scottish Government Online Identity Assurance Team Scottish Government Digital Identity Programme Team. The Team will agree agendas with the Chair in advance of meetings and will aim to circulate the agenda and papers no later than five working days prior to each the meeting.

Open government

The expectation is that this work will be conducted in the spirit and practice of open government.

As part of this process, the Board will consider proactive publication of meeting papers and documentation.


The programme board membership can be found on the group page.

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