
Defining rewilding for Scotland's public sector: research findings

Main findings of research investigating debates around the term ‘rewilding’, its relevance in a Scottish context, and to propose a working definition of the term suitable for use by the public sector in Scotland

Annex 2. Workshop Agenda

This workshop agenda was circulated to workshop participants. Participants were also given two supporting materials: The rewilding definition and principles based on work by the IUCN CEM Rewilding Thematic Group (RTG) as presented in the 2021 IUCN Issues brief (IUCN, 2021), and a 3-page summary of the evidence review presented in this report.

Workshop: Rewilding in Scotland

Aim: To understand the topic of 'rewilding' as discussed in Scotland, and to identify a definition of rewilding suitable for reference by the public sector in Scotland.

Output: A report for Scottish Government, that proposes a definition of rewilding that builds on both an evidence review on rewilding and key workshop discussion points. Workshop participants will be acknowledged within this report, unless they prefer not to be. Comments within the report will not be attributable to individuals.

09:25 Joining and familiarisation with Webex
09:30 Introduction by Kerry Waylen, James Hutton Institute Welcome by Emily Harris, RESAS
09:45 Rewilding definition and principles proposed by the IUCN CEM RTG by its co-chairs Ian Carver & Steve Convery Q&A (Chair Kerry)
10.10 Small group discussion
  • Why and when it may be useful to refer to rewilding?
  • Is the IUCN definition suitable for Scotland? Why? Why not?
  • Other concepts seen as related, or preferred? Why? When?
10.45 Micro break
10.50 Plenary discussion Rapid recap of small group discussions by facilitators, followed by additional comments, queries or points of clarification. Summarise and consolidate key points on how and when to refer to rewilding.
11.20 Next steps and outputs
11.30 Close



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