
The death of a looked after child: guidance

Revised guidance to clarify the roles and responsibilities of agencies specifically in relation to the notification requirements under regulation 6 of the 2009 Regulations on the death of looked after children.

5. Notifying parents and other relevant persons

Parents and other relevant persons should be notified in a sensitive, timely and transparent manner. Where the address(es) of the parents are unknown, other statutory agencies may be able to assist in identifying or finding them or other persons concerned. It may also be appropriate to seek the help of other agencies in notifying the persons concerned where they live some distance out-with the local authority area. It may not be possible to enlist the help of authorities out-with the UK. If a person to be notified has been identified but is living outside the UK, every effort should be made by the local authority to convey the information in a sensitive manner. Where the person is a UK citizen living abroad, the British Consulate in the country concerned may be able to assist.

Depending on the cause of death, sometimes feelings of anger may be expressed by parents or carers that more could have been done to prevent the death. Where appropriate, details should be provided in the report to the Care Inspectorate about how such issues have been dealt with if they have emerged.



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