Dairy Sector Climate Change Group: report

Report from the Dairy Sector Climate Change Group, one of the farmer-led groups established to develop advice and proposals for the Scottish Government. It focusses on how to cut emissions and tackle climate change, something that was re-emphasised in the updated Climate Change Plan.


1. Climate Change (Emission Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019

2. https://www.gov.scot/publications/securing-green-recovery-path-net-zero-update-climate-change-plan-20182032/

3. Ambition 2030: Industry Strategy for Growth | Scotland Food and Drink

4. Flipbook (scottishdairy.com)

5. ca2929en.pdf (fao.org)

6. Source: ERSA 2020, Table C11 provisional figures. Available at: https://www.gov.scot/publications/economic-report-on-scottish-agriculture-tables-2020-edition/

7. Farm Business Survey 2018-2019: profitability of Scottish farming - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

8. Agriculture and climate change (mckinsey.com) p.24

9. Scottish Dairy Growth Board.

10. Balancing Scottish milk supplies | AHDB

11. Stuart Ashworth, QMS.

12. CIEL-Net-Zero-Carbon-UK-Livestock-FINAL-interactive-low-res-APP-revised-reference-Oct-2020.pdf (cielivestock.co.uk)

13. https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-greenhouse-gas-emissions-2018/pages/3/

14. ca2929en.pdf (fao.org)

15. Farm-based carbon audits - FINAL (climatexchange.org.uk)

16. Farm-based carbon audits - FINAL (climatexchange.org.uk)

17. Farm-based carbon audits - FINAL (climatexchange.org.uk)

18. https://www.overseer.org.nz/

19. https://www.mfe.govt.nz/climate-change/guidance-measuring-emissions

20. DairyGlobal - Redefining efficiency: More milk, lower carbon footprint

21. Science report highlights challenge in meeting UK net zero carbon goals for livestock | CIEL (cielivestock.co.uk)

22. Comparing Carbon Footprint and Life Cycle Analyses (thebalancesmb.com)

23. AHDB - Dispelling the myths about carbon sequestration

24. https://scotlandfoodanddrink.blob.core.windows.net//media/4211/scottish-dairy-brochure-21.pdf

25. OECD iLibrary | Cost-Effectiveness of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Measures for Agriculture: A Literature Review (oecd-ilibrary.org)

26. Review and update of the UK agriculture marginal abatement cost curves (SRUC, Ricardo Energy) - Climate Change Committee (theccc.org.uk)

27. Sector-summary-Agriculture-land-use-land-use-change-forestry.pdf (theccc.org.uk)

28. AHDB, Promar – Evidence for Farming Initiative Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Carbon Storage on Dairy Farms (November 2020)

29. Marginal abatement cost curve for Scottish agriculture (climatexchange.org.uk)

30. Mitigation measures in the 'smart inventory': Practical abatement potential in Scottish agriculture (climatexchange.org.uk)

31. Red seaweed (Asparagopsis taxiformis) supplementation reduces enteric methane by over 80 percent in beef steers (plos.org)

32. Dairy-Cattle-Health-and-GHG-Emissions-Pilot-Study-Report.pdf (dairysustainabilityframework.org)

33. Marginal abatement cost curve for Scottish agriculture (climatexchange.org.uk)

34. Dairy-Cattle-Health-and-GHG-Emissions-Pilot-Study-Report.pdf (dairysustainabilityframework.org)

35. Sector-summary-Agriculture-land-use-land-use-change-forestry.pdf

36. (PDF) High-sugar grasses (researchgate.net)

37. GHG indicator 9 (publishing.service.gov.uk)

38. Climate Change Plan: third report on proposals and policies 2018-2032 (RPP3) - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

39. Marginal abatement cost curve for Scottish agriculture (climatexchange.org.uk)

40. CIEL-Net-Zero-Carbon-UK-Livestock-FINAL-interactive-low-res-APP-revised-reference-Oct-2020.pdf (cielivestock.co.uk)

41. Fact Sheet: Soil Carbon Sequestration | American University, Washington, DC

42. Summary for Policymakers — Special Report on Climate Change and Land (ipcc.ch)

43. soil-carbon-and-land-use-in-scotland.pdf (climatexchange.org.uk)

44. soil-carbon-and-land-use-in-scotland.pdf (climatexchange.org.uk)

45. Sites — Ecological Continuity Trust -

46. Effects of recent and accumulated livestock manure carbon additions on soil fertility and quality : Rothamsted Research

47. CIEL-Net-Zero-Carbon-UK-Livestock-FINAL-interactive-low-res-APP-revised-reference-Oct-2020.pdf (cielivestock.co.uk)

48. Biochar and climate change - House of Commons Library (parliament.uk)

49. Carbon Capture and Storage Technology - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

50. CIEL-Net-Zero-Carbon-UK-Livestock-FINAL-interactive-low-res-APP-revised-reference-Oct-2020.pdf (cielivestock.co.uk)

51. For methane, GWP100 not measuring up | CLEAR Center (ucdavis.edu)

52. https://www.cielivestock.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/CIEL-Net-Zero-Carbon-UK-Livestock-FINAL-interactive-low-res-APP-revised-reference-Oct-2020.pdf

53. https://local2local.nl/, https://www.smartchain-h2020.eu/

54. https://foodanddrink.scot/support-local/

55. The Climate Change Plan update (CCPu) - Parliamentary Business : Scottish Parliament

56. What are Scope 3 emissions, and should you report them under SECR? (secrhub.co.uk)

57. Greenhouse gas measurement and reporting (brc.org.uk)

58. TCFD for Banks – United Nations Environment – Finance Initiative (unepfi.org)

59. Chapter 3: Climate governance and TCFD - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

60. Chancellor makes climate-related financial disclosures mandatory | Transform (iema.net)

61. Landscape Enterprise Networks – A 3Keel initiative to support resilient landscapes.

62. https://ic-space.gcs.civilservice.gov.uk/news/kicking-the-habit-changing-behaviour-with-communications/

63. https://innovativefarmers.org/welcometoriss/

64. https://www.ruralpayments.org/publicsite/futures/topics/all-schemes/knowledge-transfer-and-innovation-fund/

65. Suckler Beef Climate Scheme: final report - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

66. https://www.cielivestock.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/CIEL-Net-Zero-Carbon-UK-Livestock-FINAL-interactive-low-res-APP-revised-reference-Oct-2020.pdf

67. Sustainable Development Goals | UNDP

68. CIEL-Net-Zero-Carbon-UK-Livestock-FINAL-interactive-low-res-APP-revised-reference-Oct-2020.pdf (cielivestock.co.uk)

69. Fact Sheet: Soil Carbon Sequestration | American University, Washington, DC

70. Summary for Policymakers — Special Report on Climate Change and Land (ipcc.ch)


Email: are.futureruralframework@gov.scot

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