
Control of Potato Cyst Nematodes: Consultation on the Implementation in Scotland of Directive 2007/33/EC

Consultation on the implementation in Scotland of Directive 2007/33/EC

7. Disposal of contaminated waste and soil

52. Where potatoes have been grown in a field officially recorded as infested, they must be graded and processed at a plant where the waste disposal facilities have been officially approved, to ensure there is no risk of spreading PCN through contaminated waste and soil. In general, waste disposal arrangements should be in line with the Plant Health Code of Practice for the Management of Agricultural and Horticultural Waste, published jointly by the Scottish Government and Defra.. The following specific points should also be noted:

  • As much soil as possible should be left in the field. If material from the infested field is handled separately, it may also be returned to the same field. This is not appropriate if material from more than one field is handled together;
  • Soil and waste from grading and processing must not be returned to any other agricultural land. It should normally be disposed of to deep landfill;
  • Potato waste from infested land must not be used as stockfeed;
  • All vehicles and machinery must be cleaned and disinfected after handling the contaminated material, and the washing water disposed of in a suitable way.

53. When an official control programme for growing ware on infested land is approved, the grower will also be required to indicate where the crop will be sent for grading and processing, so that the plant's waste disposal facilities and procedures can be inspected. The plant will be subject to regular monitoring following approval.

Question 11: Do you agree with this approach to approving facilities for disposal of contaminated waste and soil? If not, please explain your concerns and any alternative proposals.

Question 12: Do you consider there are sufficient facilities available in Scotland which will be able to meet the requirements for disposal of contaminated waste and soil?

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