Permitted development rights - phase 1 priority development types: consultation

Consultation on draft proposals for changes and extensions to Permitted Development Rights (PDR) in Scotland for the priority development types selected for inclusion in Phase 1 of our programme. Consultation closes on 12 November 2020.

8. SEA Post-adoption Statement Summary

8.1 The Scottish Government set out its Proposed Work Programme for reviewing and extending permitted development rights (PDR) (referred to as "the proposed programme") in November 2019. The proposed programme was the first step in an iterative and ongoing policy process which has been, and will continue to be, informed by a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) requirements[16]. The SA was undertaken by independent consultants LUC commissioned by the Scottish Government.

8.2 A Sustainability Appraisal Report setting out the potential environmental, social and economic effects arising from the proposed programme was consulted on alongside the proposed programme from 5 November 2019 – 28 January 2020. The SA report considered broad options for changes to PDR across a range of development types.

8.3 The draft Post Adoption Statement published alongside this consultation at sets out how the views gathered on the environmental, social and economic considerations incorporated within the Sustainability Appraisal have been taken into account in finalising the Proposed Work Programme and in progressing the detailed proposals for Phase 1 changes to PDR. The draft Post Adoption Statement will continue to be updated as future work on the remaining phases of the PDR programme is progressed. We will also give consideration to whether any further appraisal or assessment is required at each step of the iterative policy process.

8.4 In the meantime, the draft Post Adoption Statement sets out:

  • how the environmental, social and economic considerations have been integrated into the iterative programme for expanding PDR;
  • how the Sustainability Appraisal Report has been taken into account;
  • how the opinions of consultees have been taken into account;
  • the reasons for choosing the programme as adopted, in light of the other reasonable alternatives considered; and
  • the measures to be taken to monitor any significant environmental effects arising from implementation.

8.5 Furthermore, we have also undertaken some additional assessment of the Phase 1 proposals, including any new or updated SA findings. This includes an assessment of those Phase 1 proposals that were not considered as part of the original Sustainability Appraisal. This additional assessment is published alongside this consultation as an update to the Sustainability Appraisal.

Q.71 What are your views on the findings of the Update to the 2019 Sustainability Appraisal Report that accompanies this consultation document?

(N.B. Consultees are asked to avoid restating their views on the November 2019 consultation as these views are already being taken into account.)



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