
National health and care standards: consultation analysis

Full analysis of responses to the consultation on new national care standards.

13. What should the new Standards be called?

Question 13: What should the new Standards be called?

13.1 404 (92%) respondents to the full consultation answered this question as did 52 (88%) of respondents to the easy-read version.

13.2 The question posed five different options for names for the new Standards but also invited further proposals for names. Table 13.1 summarises the opinions of the 400 respondents who indicated a preference for one of the options suggested.

Table 13.1: Views on what the new Standards should be called

Proposed name Full Easy Read Total*
No. % No. % No. %
National Care Standards 86 24 6 12 92 23
National Health and Social Care Standards 147 42 7 14 154 38
National Healthcare and Social Care Standards 36 10 11 22 47 12
National Care and Health Standards 21 6 5 10 26 6
National Care and Support Standards 61 17 20 41 81 20
Total respondents 351 100 49 100 400 100

*Percentages may not total 100% exactly due to rounding.

13.3 Overall, the proposed name receiving most support was " National Health and Social Care Standards", with 38% of those who provided a view preferring this over the other options. Just under one quarter (23%) of respondents preferred the status quo of "National Care Standards".

13.4 Preferences of those responding to the full consultation differed from those of respondents to the easy read version. Amongst respondents to the full consultation the name receiving most support (42% of respondents) was "National Health and Social Care Standards"; the name receiving most support amongst the respondents to the easy-read version (41% of those responding) was "National Care and Support Standards".

13.5 Amongst the respondents to the full consultation, those from the early years and childcare sector were also prominent amongst supporters of the name, "National Care and Support Standards", with 36% of those who provided a view in favour of this term.

Suggestions for other names for the new Standards

13.6 Numerous suggestions were made from respondents to both versions of the consultation for alternative names for the new Standards. The main themes emerging from the suggestions were:

  • Need to include "Scotland" or "Scottish" in the name to show they are not UK-wide.
  • Reflect the person-centred approach by naming them, "People's Standards.."; or "My Standards…"; or "People first Standards".
  • Include a strapline then a title, for example, "Raising Expectations, Raising Standards" followed by "National Care Standards" or another title.


Email: Chris Taylor

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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