
National health and care standards: consultation analysis

Full analysis of responses to the consultation on new national care standards.

12. Anything else?

Question 11: Is there anything else you think needs to be included in the Standards?

12.1 349 (79%) respondents to the full consultation answered this question.

12.2 Table 11 in Annex 1 shows views by category of respondent to the full consultation. Table 12.1 below summarises these views.

Table 12.1: Views on whether there is anything else that needs to be included in the Standards

View No. of respondents % of all respondents
Yes 119 34
No 230 66
Total respondents 349 100

12.3 Around one-third (34%) respondents to the full consultation considered that there is something else which should be included in the Standards. Overall, a greater proportion of organisations (39%) than individuals (28%) were of this view. Amongst the organisations, over half of professional representative bodies, local authorities, and healthcare respondents considered that something else should be included.

Views on additional content for the Standards

12.4 A wide variety of suggestions were made for additional content, in addition to many respondents simply referring to comments provided in relation to previous questions. The following suggestions were made by at least three respondents and are listed from most to least frequently raised:

  • Feedback/complaints/appeal mechanisms for service users and for workforce.
  • End of life care; anticipatory care planning; advanced statements.
  • Management of transitions.
  • Right to advocacy; recognition of representatives formal and informal.
  • Operational details which were present in previous Standards, such as staff ratios; minimum accommodation standards.
  • Recognition of the role of wider families; family approaches.
  • Links with wider guidance and legislation such as the autism strategy.
  • Recognition of social and personal relationships and social opportunities.
  • Supportive learning environments; educational needs; school liaison.
  • Recognition of carer involvement.
  • Evaluative frameworks; review framework.
  • Responsibilities of service users/rights of staff and providers.
  • Examples of good practice.
  • Training; professional knowledge; relevant qualifications.
  • Assessing care needs; involvement of service user in designing their care package; choice in care.

Views emerging from respondents to the easy-read consultation

12.5 Very few respondents to the easy-read version of the consultation suggested any further content. The following topics were key amongst the few suggestions made:

  • Easy read version of the new Standards.
  • Awareness-raising of the new Standards.
  • Feedback/complaints procedures.
  • Enforcing/policing the application of the Standards.
  • Accessibility of services.
  • Accessibility of internet services for personal use.
  • Training of staff.

Question 12: Is there anything else you think we need to be aware of in the implementation of the Standards that is not already covered?

12.6 Responses to this question varied widely from those re-iterating views provided in response to previous questions, those not relevant to implementation, and those relating to issues of planning and executing implementation of the Standards. Views in relation to implementation are reported below.

12.7 The most frequently emerging view was that the current inspection regimes will require updating to reflect the new Standards, and the new inspection regimes communicated to providers and commissioners in good time before implementation. A few respondents suggested that the issue of updating the inspection regimes be put out to consultation; some considered that revised regimes should be piloted before finalising.

12.8 Another recurring suggestion was that the finalised Standards should be made widely available and accessible in a variety of formats prior to implementation. Easy-read and pictorial versions were advocated and user-friendly guides suggested to meet the needs of relatives, as well as the service user, and those with communication difficulties.

12.9 Many respondents considered that a large-scale awareness campaign should support implementation. Public events and promotion via a range of media were envisaged. It was suggested that awareness-raising will be required amongst the public in addition to the workforce.

12.10 A common view was that effective implementation will require appropriate financial resourcing.

12.11 Several respondents considered that a short-term implementation group should be established to plan, test, and oversee the implementation of the new Standards. Some suggested supporting implementation with written guidance on issues such as legislative context and inspection regimes. Some proposed that membership of the group should include public representation, officials from both health and social care, and people with disabilities.

12.12 A recurring theme was that effective implementation will need time to plan and execute. A realistic timetable was called for which takes into account sufficient lead-in and review times.

12.13 The need for workforce planning was raised by several respondents in relation to implementing the new Standards. Both resourcing and training the workforce were identified as part of robust planning for implementation, with time allocated for developing new training materials and formal education on topics such as rights-based approaches.

12.14 A few respondents suggested that the training of regulators and inspectors should be part of the planning for implementation. A repeated view was that these scrutineers will need time to familiarise themselves with the various care settings encompassed by the Standards, and consider how the Standards will apply accordingly.

12.15 The need to have a robust feedback/complaints regime in place from implementation was raised by a few respondents.


Email: Chris Taylor

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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