Personal protective equipment - future supply: consultation analysis

Analysis of the consultation on the future supply of pandemic Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in Scotland. We sought views on the lessons we should learn from the COVID-19 pandemic, and the proposed new strategic arrangements for pandemic PPE supply in Scotland.


In total, 164 consultation responses were received. Reflecting their experience and specific interests, this report provides a high-level summary of respondents' perspectives[1].

Overall there is clear support for the seven lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic outlined in the consultation paper; over nine in ten of those answering agreed. However, some additional lessons were identified including issues around: more equitable access to supplies across different sectors; inflated PPE prices; and minimising waste.

There is also broad support for Scotland having its own pandemic PPE stockpile: 80% agreed with this proposal. Common reasons for supporting the proposal were that it ensures Scotland has adequate access to PPE based on its own needs as distinct from the rest of the UK, and an improved speed of supply.

Differing opinions are evident on which organisations or sectors should have access to the stockpile. While many argued that it should be available to all workers in essential services who have close contact with the general public, there were mixed views about whether private or third sector organisations should access the stockpile. Quantitative results indicate that a large proportion (79%) are in favour of the Scottish Government supporting these sectors.

Views were also fairly evenly split on the extent to which organisations with access to the stockpile should contribute to its costs. There was a mix between those who felt organisations should pay and those who argued that the Scottish Government should fund it, either for all organisations or for certain sectors. There was, however, high willingness to take part in a collaborative buying approach with the NHS for pandemic PPE.

The range of views identified in the consultation provide an essential evidence base for the Scottish Government to draw on when planning the future supply of pandemic PPE in Scotland. The variation in the opinions expressed by respondents mean it is unlikely that the proposals will fully satisfy all stakeholders, and some of the finer details of the proposals need to be clarified. There is, however, clear support for the proposals to ensure adequate PPE arrangements for Scotland in any future pandemic.



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