Community Perinatal Mental Health Services: briefing paper for boards

Guidance for Delivering Effective Services recommendations on regional approaches to specialist community perinatal mental health service provision.

Regional posts described in Delivering Effective Services (DES)

Posts which should attract additional sessions within the three regional lead boards (recommended in the DES model for the three regional lead boards as 0.1-0.2 WTE depending on the extent of local/regional training roles and leadership of regional networks, and funded through SG/PNIMH-PB in the 2020-21 Delivery Plan at 0.2 WTE) are:

  • consultant psychiatrist
  • consultant clinical psychologist (Band 8C)
  • lead parent-infant therapist (Band 8A-8C)
  • nurse consultant (Band 8B) – 1.0 WTE allocated to each of the three regional lead boards (Grampian, Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Lothian) with the posts being described as regional in nature.

In summary, two recommendations derive from Delivering Effective Services as shown in table one:

  • regional leadership roles (Level 1): Specific posts, based in the three regional lead board areas (Grampian, Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Lothian) should include a regional element to their role and this should be specifically ringfenced in funding
  • regional clinical roles (Level 2): Boards should collaborate, using regional structures in the north, east and west of Scotland, to ensure equity of service delivery. This may include specific contractual arrangements between boards to provide direct clinical care in addition to level 1
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