Community mental health and wellbeing supports and services: framework

This framework sets out a clear broad approach for the support that children and young people should be able to access for their mental health and emotional wellbeing within their community.

Family and Carer Support

31. It is a clear intention of community support that help should also be available for families and carers, particularly for those in a parental role and for siblings. This should apply wherever the child or young person is receiving additional support. If the child or young person is receiving support at CAMHS or in school for example, the parents or carers (and siblings if relevant) should be able to access some community support when it is needed to support them in their role as parent or carer.

32. There is a need to provide preventative support to family members supporting their child or young person and to provide whole family support where there is already significant stress. Resilient families will be better able to provide support at home. This support should be flexible and delivered in a place and in a way that is most appropriate for the family. Attention should be given to confidentially concerns whilst ensuring that families continue to be supported.



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