Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 - asset transfers: social value guidance

Guidance on social value for the relevant authorities when they are considering asset transfer applications, and should be considered as one part of their overall decision making process.

6. Relevant Authority Requirements to Secure Best Value

6.1 In terms of asset transfer, all relevant authorities have a duty to secure Best Value in their operations, including when disposing of or letting property. It has long been recognised that best value does not always mean the highest possible price, and all authorities have the ability to dispose of property at less than market value where there are wider public benefits to be gained.

6.2 This is set out in the Disposal of Land by Local Authorities (Scotland) 2010 Regulations and in the Scottish Public Finance Manual for other relevant authorities. It is a question of balancing the financial and non-financial impacts, both positive and negative, of the different options.



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