CO2 mine gas - site investigation and risk assessment: best practice
Report collating current practice in local authorities and provide a summary assessment of options to deliver a standardised ‘good practice’ approach to risk assessment, reporting, mitigation and verification of mitigation measures for mine gas.
Annex C Recommended process flowchart for good practice in the regulation of mine gas risk to development under planning and building standards
This flowchart illustrates good practice in review of information relevant to the regulation of mine gas risk to development and shows the interactions between planning departments, EHO/ CLO and Building Standards officers. It is intended to apply to non-householder applications (but see Note 1 below). The flowchart summarises examples of good practice discussed in the main body of the report.

Accompanying notes:
1. Although the flow chart is not designed for simpler householder applications, some of the principles may be applicable.
2. Some local authorities require desk studies and/ or site investigation reports for all sites under local plans or supplementary planning guidance therefore the screening step is not required.
3. Peer reviews of relevant reports potentially supported by specialist external resource to undertake peer reviews if capability not held within local authority.
4. Linked applications preferably facilitated through shared document management system/ GIS. A linked Building Warrant application is likely to be submitted at a later date to the planning application.
5. Note submission of the RS may also occur before the planning application is decided.
6. Where applicable RS and verification report to include decommissioning of monitoring wells and effects of mine grouting works.
7. Review of BS8485 design report led by Building Standards but may be supported by EHO/ CLO.
8. EHO/ CLO may make recommendations for relevant planning conditions to be included.
9. The whole process occurs in parallel to consultation with the Coal Authority as a statutory consultee under the planning regime.
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