Children and Young People's Mental Health Task Force: recommendations

Recommendations from Children and Young People’s Mental Health Task Force to Scottish Government and COSLA.


The Taskforce recognise the continuing challenges regarding information sharing and the systems required to support this. However integrated electronic information management systems, accessible by key partners, would enhance integrated assessment and planning, speed up decision making, and safeguard the interests of children and families.

Recommendation 8: Scottish Government and COSLA should provide support to local partnerships to develop fit for purpose systems for sharing information digitally to better support children, young people and families in line with GIRFEC.

As identified by the Chair of the Taskforce and the young people of the Youth Commission on Mental Health Services, digital platforms can also be better utilised to provide helpful advice and support to children, young people and families. This may include but is not restricted to: general health and wellbeing advice; self-help support; information about local services (including advice on where to get support in a crisis); clinical interventions; and the potential for real time interface with professionals who are proving support.

Recommendation 9: Scottish Government and COSLA should endorse further exploration of the digital solutions children, young people and their families would find useful. This should include consideration of the needs of those accessing CAMHS and neurodevelopmental services, as well as those who are looking for tools to support their wellbeing.



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