
Children and Young People Joint Delivery Board newsletter: March 2022

Children and Young People's Mental Health and Wellbeing Joint Delivery Board - March newsletter summarising the work of the Board.

Group Members' Corner

Care Experienced people give their views and experience on mental health

Lucy Hughes, Policy Development Coordinator representing Who Cares? Scotland on Task and Finish Group 3, highlights that Who Cares? Scotland have released a new report of findings from engagement with Care Experienced people about mental health. 'Tend our Light' details the views and experiences of Care Experienced people and contains 7 clear actions for change. An overview of the findings and a link to the full report can be found here.

Please contact Lucy at: if you would like to support this work and find out more.

The findings of this report will by considered by the Task and Finish Group supporting mental health pathways and services for vulnerable children and young people, aligned to the work of the promise. This group is planning direct engagement with care experienced children and young people in partnership with Who Cares? Scotland to ensure the work of the group is based on direct care experienced feedback.



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