
Children and Young People Joint Delivery Board newsletter: March 2022

Children and Young People's Mental Health and Wellbeing Joint Delivery Board - March newsletter summarising the work of the Board.

Spotlight on – Enhancing community-based support for emotional wellbeing

Task and Finish Group Community-based support and services

Peter Innes, Senior Policy Adviser at Scottish Government updates on the work of the Communities Task and Finish Group:

"One of the Joint Delivery Board's deliverables is to continue to enhance community-based support for emotional wellbeing and mental distress through ongoing investment and support for local partnerships. The promotion of good and emerging practice is a priority for this group and is supported by monthly best practice network events for local authorities, which continued in December with a presentation on the Fit Like?' hubs which are delivering mental health support to children and young people in Aberdeen."

The network meeting in January focused on discussing the various ways websites can be used to promote the community mental wellbeing services available to young people and their families in each area, with presentations from colleagues in Clackmannanshire and South Ayrshire. These meetings have been received well by attendees and will continue on a monthly basis with the aim of sharing good and emerging practice, identifying common themes and building connections."



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