Childminding workforce trends qualitative research report

This study was commissioned by the Scottish Government to explore the range of factors that may be contributing to the decline in the Scottish childminder workforce in order to identify ways to better recruit, support and retain them.

Appendix 5: documents reviewed for the Rapid Evidence Assessment

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Bonetti, S. (2019). The early years workforce in England: a comparative analysis using the Labour Force Survey. London: Education Policy Institute.

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Bury, J., et al. (2020). Understanding the early years workforce: qualitative research findings. London: NatCen Social Research.

Callanan, M. (2014). Study of Early Education and Development: views and experiences of childminders. London: Department for Education.

Campbell-Barr, V., Georgeson, J., Hohmann, U., Gulliver, K. (2020). Childminder Sustainability in England and Wales. Plymouth: University of Plymouth.

Department for Education. (2015). Study of Early Education and Development (SEED): Study of the quality of childminder provision in England. London: Department for Education.

Department for Education. (2019). Survey of childcare and early years providers: main summary, England, 2019.

Dunlop, A., Rayna, S., Garnier, P. eds. (2016). Childminders, home based day care and young children's transitions. In: Transitions dans la petite enfance (Transitions in early childhood). PIE Peter Lang, Brussels.

Hunnikin, L., Blackburn, J. (2020). Survey of childcare and early years providers and COVID-19. London: Department for Education.

National Day Nurseries Association. (2019). 2018/19 Workforce Survey Scotland.

O'Regan, M., Halpenny, A., Hayes, N. (2019). Childminding in Ireland: attitudes towards professionalisation. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal (27:6), 757-775.

Pascal, C., Bertram, T., Cole-Albäck, A. (2020). Early Years Workforce Review: Revisiting the Nutbrown Review – Policy and Impact. London: The Sutton Trust.

Paull, G., Wilson, C. (2020). Providers' finances: Evidence from the Survey of Childcare and Early Years Providers 2019. London: Department for Education.

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Skipp, A., Hopwood, V. (2017). Childminders' views on funded early education. London: Department for Education.

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