Chief Medical Officer's Report Part 2: The Health of the Nation

The second section is a report card which presents the surveillance data on the health of the nation. The report contains a summary of the data. These can interpret trends to inform how we continuously improve our management of health and disease


National Records of Scotland (2015), Vital Events - Deaths,

Scottish Government (2015), Long Term Monitoring of Health Inequalities: Headline Indicators - October 2015

Hughes, L.D., McMurdo, M.E.T. & Guthrie, B., (2013), Guidelines for people not for diseases: the challenges of applying UK clinical guidelines to people with multimorbidity. Age and Ageing, 42(1), pp.62-9.; Boyd, C.M. & Fortin, M., (2010), Future of Multimorbidity Research: How Should Understanding of Multimorbidity Inform Health System Design? Public Health Reviews, 32(2), pp.451-474.

World Health Organization (2013), Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020.

Analysis of the Scottish Health Surveys 2012/2013/2014 by Health Analytical Services Division.

Data from Scottish Health Surveys 2012-14.

McKinsey Global Institute (2014), Overcoming obesity: An initial economic analysis

Public Health England (2014) Making the case for tackling obesity - why invest?

See Public Health England: Health risks of adult obesity

Simon G.E. et al (2006), Obesity and psychiatric disorders in the US adult population. Arch Gen Psychiatry; 63(7):824-830.

See Public Health England: Health risks of childhood obesity

Obesity rates are not available for all adults prior to 2003.

Scottish Government (2015), Scottish Health Survey 2014

Food Standards Scotland (2015), Monitoring progress towards the Scottish Dietary Goals 2001 to 2012 - Report 1

Scottish Government (2015), Scottish Health Survey 2014

Scottish Government (2010), Preventing Overweight and Obesity in Scotland: A Route Map Towards Healthy Weight

Scottish Government (2014), Supporting Healthy Choices: A Framework for Voluntary Action

C3 Collaborating for Health (2011), The benefits of physical activity for health and wellbeing.

Department of Health and Human Services (2008) Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee Report, Washington, DC

Start Active, Stay Active. A report on physical activity for health from the four home countries' Chief Medical Officers. 2011.

Department of Health and Human Services (2008) Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee Report, Washington, DC

Burns, H. and Murray, A. (2012), Creating Health Through Physical Activity. BJSM, 1-2.

I.M. Lee, Shiroma, E.J., Lobelo, F. et al (2012), Effect of physical inactivity on major non-communicable diseases worldwide: an analysis of burden of disease and life expectancy. The Lancet, 380, 9838, 219-229.

Scottish Government (2015), Scottish Health Survey 2014

Scottish Government (2014) Active Scotland Outcomes Framework, Outcome 1: We encourage and enable the inactive to be more active Summary Evidence Account

Non Communicable Disease Prevention: Investments that Work for Physical Activity. BJSM, 46, 10: 709-712.

Scottish Government (2014) A More Active Scotland: Building a Legacy from the Commonwealth Games

National Records of Scotland (2015), Alcohol-related Deaths

National Services Scotland, Information Services Division (2015), Alcohol-related Hospital Statistics Scotland 2014/15

Robinson M, Beeston C, McCartney G, Craig N. Monitoring and Evaluating Scotland's Alcohol Strategy: Annual update of alcohol sales and price band analyses. Edinburgh: NHS Health Scotland; 2015.

National Services Scotland, Information Services Division (2015), Alcohol-related Hospital Statistics Scotland 2014/15

Data from ScotPHO Scotland and European Health for All (HfA) Database

Data provided by National Records of Scotland.

Scottish Government (2015), Scottish Health Survey 2014

Scottish Government (2009), Changing Scotland's Relationship with Alcohol: A Framework for Action

National Services Scotland, Information Services Division (2015), Alcohol Brief Interventions 2014/15

National Services Scotland, Information Services Division (2015), National Drug and Alcohol Treatment Waiting Times Report: April - June 2015

World Health Organisation (2015), Tobacco: Fact sheet N°339

Doll, R. (1994) Mortality in relation to smoking: 40 years' observations on male British doctors BMJ 1994; 309 doi:

Scottish Public Health Observatory (2012), Smoking Ready Reckoner

Scottish Government (2015), Scottish Household Survey Annual Report - Scotland's People

Data provided by Scottish Government, Health Analytical Services Division.

Scottish Government (2015), Scottish Health Survey 2014

Scottish Government (2015), Multiple substance use among adolescents in Scotland: profile and trends

See, for example, Etter JF, Benowitz N, Eissenberg T, McRobbie H. (2014), Electronic cigarettes: review of use, content, safety, effects on smokers and potential for harm and benefit, Addiction, 109: 11: 1801-1810 (; Smoking Toolkit Smoking in England Survey,

National Services Scotland, Information Services Division (2014), Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey (SALSUS): Smoking among 13 and 15 year olds in Scotland 2013

National Services Scotland, Information Services Division (2015) Cancer Mortality in Scotland (2014)

While the overall age-standardised rate of death due to cancer has decreased, the actual number of deaths has increased: this largely reflects an increase in older age groups within the population, and the fact that cancer is a relatively common disease among the elderly.

National Services Scotland, Information Services Division (2015) Cancer Mortality in Scotland (2014)

Scottish Government (2015), Long-term Monitoring of Health Inequalities

Scottish Government (2012), Mental Health Strategy for Scotland: 2012-2015

Scottish Government (2015), Scottish Health Survey 2014

Scottish Government (2015), Long-term Monitoring of Health Inequalities

Scottish Government (2012), Mental Health Strategy for Scotland: 2012-2015

National Records of Scotland (2015), Age-standardised Death Rates Calculated Using the European Standard Population Coding for deaths by suicide has recently changed; in order to have a consistent comparison, long term trends are presented using old coding rules.

Scottish Government (2013), Suicide Prevention Strategy 2013 - 2016

Office for National Statistics. Travel Trends 2014. London: ONS; 2015

Redman C, Genasi F, Smith V, Brownlie S, Locking M. Travel-trends and travel-related infections 2011-2012. HPS Weekly 2013;47(2013/03):30-3

Travel and International Health Team. Travel Health Guidance for Schools. First ed. Glasgow: TRAVAX; 2013

Smith-Palmer A. Gastro-intestinal and ffdborn infections: overseas outbreaks of infectious intestinal disease. HPS Weekly 2015;49(21):178-9

Munro J, Redman C, DenhamB, Smith V. Travel health: Malaria in Scotland and the UK: 2010-2014. HPS Weekly 2015;49(30):279-92


Email: Diane Dempster

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