
Cereal and oilseed rape harvest - first estimates: 2020

Initial estimates of area, yield and production for winter and spring barley, wheat, oats and oilseed rape, for the 2020 harvest.

7. Little change predicted for oilseed rape yield and production

A chart shows area, production and yield estimates of the oilseed rape harvest from 2011 to 2020.

Little change is predicted for oilseed rape this year compared to 2019. While the area grown has decreased around 3 per cent, a predicted increase of around 2 per cent in yield may result in a small decrease just under 1 per cent in production.

Oilseed rape estimates are not as reliable as those of other crops due to the small amount grown and limited data available at this early stage. Industry experts have indicated that yields are varying across Scotland with high yields obtained in some areas and lower yields experienced in others compared to the previous year.

Oilseed Rape accounts for

  • 4% Total crop production
  • 7% Total crop area

Oilseed rape is not a cereal but is part of the cabbage family. Because it is grown and harvested in a similar way to other cereals it is included in our harvest estimates.

Almost all of oilseed rape is the winter variety and it is mainly used for biofuels.  



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