
Cash-First: Towards ending the need for food banks in Scotland Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA)

The Children’s Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment considers the impact of the Scottish Government’s Cash-First Plan and associated actions to improve the response to financial crisis and reduce the need for emergency food parcels.


1. Scottish Government, Ending the Need for Food Banks: Consultation on a draft national plan (2021) Ending the need for food banks: a draft national plan - Scottish Government consultations - Citizen Space

2. Scottish Government, Ending the Need for Food Banks: Published consultation responses (2022)Published responses for Ending the need for food banks: a draft national plan - Scottish Government consultations - Citizen Space

3. Scottish Government, Ending the Need for Food Banks: Consultation analysis (2022)

4. Scottish Government, Cash-First: Towards ending the need for food banks in Scotland (2023)

5. DWP, Family Resources Survey: financial year 2021 to 2022 (2023) household food insecurity data table, 9.3 Family Resources Survey: financial year 2021 to 2022 - GOV.UK (

6. DWP, Family Resources Survey: financial year 2021 to 2022 (2023) household food insecurity data table, 9.2 Family Resources Survey: financial year 2021 to 2022 - GOV.UK (

7. Scottish Government, Scottish Health Survey 2021 (2022): volume 1: main report Supporting documents - The Scottish Health Survey 2021 - volume 1: main report - (

8. Scottish Government, Scottish Health Survey 2021 (2022): supplementary table 22, WV1 Scottish Health Survey 2021: supplementary tables - (

9. Scottish Government, Scottish Health Survey 2021 (2022): supplementary table 22, WV5 - Scottish Health Survey 2021: supplementary tables - (

10. Scottish Government, Scottish Health Survey 2021 (2022): supplementary table 22, WV9 - Scottish Health Survey 2021: supplementary tables - (

11. Trussell Trust, MYS Nation and Regional briefing, Scotland (2022) MYS-Nation-and-Regional-briefing_Scotland.pdf (

12. Trussell Trust, State of Hunger report (2021) State-of-Hunger-2021-Report-Final.pdf (

13. Trussell Trust, end year statistics, 2022-2023 (2023) End of Year Stats - The Trussell Trust

14. Scottish Government, Scottish Welfare Fund Scottish Welfare Fund - Social security - (

15. Scottish Government, Scottish Welfare Fund monthly data up to 30 Sept 2022 (2022) Scottish Welfare Fund, Self-Isolation Support Grant and Discretionary Housing Payments: monthly data - (

16. Citizens Advice Scotland, Shopping card evaluation report (2022) Shopping card pilot final evaluation November 2021

17. The Food Foundation, Food insecurity tracking, round 6a, 7a (2020,2021) Food Insecurity Tracking | Food Foundation

18. M Fram et al., Children are aware of food insecurity and take responsibility for managing food resources (2011) The Journal of Nutrition, 141(6); S Cantillon and B Nolan, Poverty within Households: Measuring Gender Differences Using Non-Monetary Indicators (2001) Feminist Economics. 7(1), pp. 5-23.

19. M Fram et al., Children are aware of food insecurity and take responsibility for managing food resources (2011) The Journal of Nutrition, 141(6)

20. L Laverty, Managing food insecurity through informal networks of care: an ethnography of youth practices in the North of England (2019) Sociology of health & illnessvol. 41,4 : 709-722. Doi:10.1111/1467-9566.12847 Managing food insecurity through informal networks of care: an ethnography of youth practices in the North of England – PubMed (

21. A Knight,.R O'Connell and J Brannen, Eating with Friends, Family or Not at All: Young People's Experiences of Food Poverty in the UK (2018) Child Soc, 32: 185-194. Eating with Friends, Family or Not at All: Young People's Experiences of Food Poverty in the UK - Knight - 2018 - Children & Society - Wiley Online Library

22. C McPherson, e Young people , food insecurity and Covid-19 : A qualitative study in Edinburgh and London. (2020) YOUNGP3-1.pdf (

23. Poverty and Inequality Commission, Advice for the Scottish Government on Addressing Poverty During School holidays (2018) Poverty-and-Inequality-Commission-advice-on-poverty-in-school-holidays.pdf (

24. SPIRU, Holiday out of school provision in Scotland (2021) SAC-SPIRU - Holiday Out of School Provision - Final Draft V2 210910 (

25. R Machin, Understanding holiday hunger (2016)Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 24 (3), pp. 311-319. 14536_Machin.pdf (

26. P Stretesky, M Defeyter, M Long, L Ritchie, D Gill. Holiday Hunger and Parental Stress: Evidence from North East England. (2020)Sustainability12(10):4141. 14536_Machin.pdf (

27. Scottish Government, Get Into Summer 2021: Qualitative Evaluation (2022) Supporting documents - Get into Summer 2021: qualitative evaluation - ( Scottish Government, Summer Holiday Food, Activities and Childcare Programme (2023) Supporting documents - Summer holiday food, activities and childcare programme: evaluation report - summer 2022 - (

28. BMJ blog, Holiday hunger requires radical long term solutions (2018) Holiday hunger requires radical long term solutions - The BMJ

29. M Long, M Defeyter PStretesky, Holiday Hunger in the UK: Local Responses to Childhood Food Insecurity (2021) Routledge. Holiday Hunger in the UK | Local Responses to Childhood Food Insecurit (

30. H Lambie-Mumford and L Sims Feeding Hungry Children: The Growth of Charitable Breakfast Clubs and Holiday Hunger Projects in the UK (2018) Child Soc, 32: 244-254 ‘Feeding Hungry Children’: The Growth of Charitable Breakfast Clubs and Holiday Hunger Projects in the UK - Lambie‐Mumford - 2018 - Children & Society - Wiley Online Library

31. L McIntyre., JV Williams, DH Lavorato, S Patten S, Depression and suicide ideation in late adolescence and early adulthood are an outcome of child hunger (2012) Journal of Affective Disorders,150(1), pp.123-9; S Kirkpatrick, L McIntyre, and M Potestio, Child hunger and long-term adverse consequences for health (2010) Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 164(8)

32. L McIntyre et al., Depression and suicide ideation in late adolescence and early adulthood are an outcome of child hunger (2012) Journal of Affective Disorders, 28

33. The Food Foundation, Launch of the Children’s Future Food Inquiry final report (2019) Launch of the Children’s Future Food Inquiry final report | Food Foundation

34. Scottish Youth Parliament, Right to Food, campaigns (2023) Right to Food - Scottish Youth Parliament (

35. Scottish Youth Parliament, Young People’s Right to Food report (2023) Young People's Right to Food (

36. Young Scot National Entitlement Card Young Scot National Entitlement Card – Young Scot

37. Young Scot, “How is the current cost of living affecting you?” survey (2022) How is the Current Cost of Living Affecting You? Survey Results December 2022 - Young Scot Corporate

38. Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland, Resources, Living is more important than just surviving (2016) - Living is more important than just surviving - The Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland (

39. Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland, Resources, Living is more important than just surviving (2016) page 10 Living is more important than just surviving - The Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland (

40. Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland, Resources, Living is more important than just surviving (2016) page 13 Living is more important than just surviving - The Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland (

41. Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland, Resources, Living is more important than just surviving (2016) page 17 Living is more important than just surviving - The Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland (

42. Scottish Government, Ending the Need for Food Banks: Consultation on a draft national plan (2021) Ending the need for food banks: a draft national plan - Scottish Government consultations - Citizen Space

43. Including but not limited to: Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland, Children’s Health Scotland, Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) in Scotland, Childsmile, Family Fund, Newtongrange afterschool club and Breakfast club, One Parent Families Scotland, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Scotland, Save the Children, Scottish Association for Social Work, St Paul’s Youth Forum, Venchie Children’s and Youth Project, Youth Link

44. Scottish Government, Ending the Need for Food Banks: Published consultation responses (2022) Response 965057874 to Ending the need for food banks: a draft national plan - Scottish Government consultations - Citizen Space

45. Scottish Government, Ending the Need for Food Banks: Published consultation responses (2022) Response 342379192 to Ending the need for food banks: a draft national plan - Scottish Government consultations - Citizen Space

46. Scottish Government, Ending the Need for Food Banks: Published consultation responses (2022) Response 21195059 to Ending the need for food banks: a draft national plan - Scottish Government consultations - Citizen Space

47. Scottish Government, Ending the Need for Food Banks: Published consultation responses (2022) Response 130821760 to Ending the need for food banks: a draft national plan - Scottish Government consultations - Citizen Space

48. Scottish Government, Ending the Need for Food Banks: Published consultation responses (2022) Response 827809472 to Ending the need for food banks: a draft national plan - Scottish Government consultations - Citizen Space

49. Scottish Government, Ending the Need for Food Banks: Published consultation responses (2022) Response 989001254 to Ending the need for food banks: a draft national plan - Scottish Government consultations - Citizen Space

50. Scottish Government, Ending the Need for Food Banks: Consultation analysis (2022) Ending the need for food banks – draft plan: consultation analysis – (

51. Scottish Government, Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2019-22 (2023) Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2019-22 (

52. DWP, Family Resources Survey: financial year 2021 to 2022 (2023) Family Resources Survey: financial year 2021 to 2022 - GOV.UK (



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