
The Tuberculosis (Scotland) Order 2023: business and regulatory impact assessment

A business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) for changes to the Tuberculosis (Scotland) Order 2023.

Implementation and Delivery Plan


The legislation required to introduce these changes to TB policy in Scotland will come into force on 18 May 2023.

Delivery Plan

TB controls in Scotland are already well established and delivered by APHA as SG’s operational delivery partner. APHA have carried out the required Request for Policy Driven Change and Response form for these proposed changes, which are now in the process of being adopted into “business as usual” by the APHA project delivery team.

For communications, a letter went out to general stakeholders, and those who responded to the consultation to make them aware of the changes being made and to make them aware of the publication of the consultation analysis. An SG news release will also be published which summarises the policy changes and this will be promoted on social media.

An Official Veterinarian (OV) briefing note will also be provided by APHA to update on these changes, and Scottish Government will work with APHA colleagues to approve a draft of this. An OV briefing has already been circulated for the legislative change made in 2022. A letter to Scottish Government stakeholders and a Scottish Government news release will also be issued when the legislative changes are made.



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