
Building standards - workforce data collection: analysis report 2021

The report provides a national-level view of the challenges facing the building standards profession in relation to resourcing, development of competencies and levels of turnover.

2.0 Background

2.1. The workforce strategy for the building standards verification service was published by Scottish Government on 1 October 2020. The purpose of the strategy is to create a first-class building standards service which is resilient and able to respond quickly to new challenges.

2.2. The need to support development of the workforce is based on the projected loss of expertise in the next five-to-ten years. The ageing demographic profile of the service presents a significant risk to business if steps to strengthen resilience, attract talent and improve recruitment into core job roles are not taken.

2.3. All 32 local authority verifiers are committed to providing an annual return as part of the workforce data collection exercise. The data provides an essential insight to the resourcing of the service, the development of competence and an indication of the level of staff turnover affecting verifiers in different parts of Scotland.

2.4. The data is used to track and monitor the impact of the actions in the strategy to support workforce development. The data is our primary evidence base that illustrates whether the strategy actions are delivering positive changes as anticipated. The data may indicate that actions are correct and on track for successful delivery. Alternatively, the data may show that our approach is not effective and a change in direction is required to achieve the aims of the strategy.



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