
Brexit: what's at stake for businesses

Looks at the key issues for businesses as a result of the UK decision to leave the EU.


Because of Brexit, many choices have to be made: such as how best to prepare my company; whether to cut back, invest or relocate; and, crucially, what the UK Government should negotiate for, both on the transition and beyond.

There are different views as to what is best for Scottish and UK companies. The Scottish Government strongly believes that in the short, medium, and long term, staying in the single market and customs union will be best for all aspects of businesses' wellbeing, whether people, profits, practicalities or new possibilities. Others may think otherwise. But what must be clear to everyone from this document is that:

  • there is a great deal at stake for every business;
  • the voice of business – individual companies and organisations, in Scotland and throughout the UK – must be heard and listened to before irreversible decisions are taken about our common future; and
  • with businesses already finalising plans for post 2019 – and indeed beginning to act on them – there is no time to lose.


Email: Steven Bunch Steven Bunch

Telephone: Central Enquiries Unit 0300 244 4000

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