
Attitudes to land reform: research

This report outlines the main findings from research exploring public attitudes to land reform.


Bonaiuto, M., Carrus, G., Martorella, H. and Bonnes, M. 2002. Local identity processes and environmental attitudes in land use changes: The case of natural protected areas. Journal of Economic Psychology, 23(5), pp. 631-653.

Brown, G. and Leibowitz, J. 2019. Delivering Greater Benefit from Common Good Land and Buildings. Scottish Land Commission, Commissioned Report.

Combe, M.M. 2018. Community Rights in Scots Property Law. In: Xu, T. & Clarke, A. (eds.) Legal Strategies for the Development and Protection of Communal Property. Proceedings of the British Academy, 216, pp. 79-101.

Combe, M.M., Glass, J. and Tindley, A. 2020. Land Reform in Scotland: history, law and policy. Edinburgh University Press.

Diffley, M., Saeed Zubairi, S., Scott, K. and Pavlou, A. 2019. Citizens' forums and attitudes to agriculture, environment and rural priorities. Scottish Government Commissioned Report.

George Street Research 2010. Public Attitudes towards Estates in Scotland: Report of Quantitative Research Findings. Scotland's Rural Property and Business Association and the Scottish Estates Business Group.

Glenn, S., MacKessack-Leitch, J., Pollard, K., Glass, J. and McMorran, R. 2019. Investigation into the issues associated with large-scale and concentrated land ownership in Scotland. Scottish Land Commission.

Hindle, R., Thomson, S., Skerratt, S., McMorran, R. and Onea, P. 2014. Economic Contribution of Estates in Scotland: An Economic Assessment for Scottish Land & Estates. Final report.

Hoffman, M. 2013. Why community ownership? Understanding land reform in Scotland. Land Use Policy, 31, pp. 289-297.

Ives, C. and Kendal, D. 2013. Values and attitudes of the urban public towards peri-urban agricultural land. Land Use Policy, 34, pp. 80-90.

Kingsley, J., Townsend, M. and Wilson, C. 2009. Cultivating health and wellbeing: Members' perceptions of the health benefits of a Port Melbourne community garden. Leisure Studies, 28(2), pp. 207–219.

Land Reform Review Group 2014. The land of Scotland and the common good. The final report of the Land Reform Review Group. May 2014.

Lorimer, H. 2000. Guns, Game and the Grandee: The Cultural Politics of Deerstalking in the Scottish Highlands. Cultural Geographies, 7 (4), pp. 403-431.

Land Reform Policy Group (LPRG) 1998. Identifying the Problems. Edinburgh, The Stationary Office.

Mackenzie, F. 2012. Place of Possibility: Property, Nature and Community Land Ownership. Wiley-Blackwell.

Macleod, C., Braunholtz-Speight, T., Macphail, I., Flyn, D., Alllen, S. and Macleod, D. 2010. Post-legislative scrutiny of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003.

McMorran, R., Scott, A.J. and Price, M. 2014. Reconstructing sustainability: participant experiences of community land tenure in North West Scotland. Journal of Rural Studies, 33, pp. 20-31.

McMorran, R., Lawrence, A., Glass, J., Hollingdale, J., McKee, A., Campbell, D. and Combe, M. 2018. Review of the effectiveness of current community ownership mechanisms and of options for supporting the expansion of community ownership in Scotland. Scottish Land Commission commissioned report.

McVey, D., Nash, R. and Stansbie, P. 2018. The motivations and experiences of community garden participants in Edinburgh, Scotland. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 5(1), pp. 40-56.

Pacione, M. 2019 The rhetoric and reality of public participation in planning, Urban Development Issues, 63, pp. 5-15.

Peacock, P. 2018. Land: For the many, not the few? Limitations on the Scale of Land Ownership. A discussion paper. Scottish Land Commission Land Lines paper. March 2018.

Peter Brett Associates 2019. Assessing the Impact of Vacant and Derelict Land on Communities. Report to Scottish Land Commission, September 2019.

Revell, P. and Dinnie, E., 2018. Community resilience and narratives of community empowerment in Scotland. Community Development Journal, 55(2), pp.218-236.

Scotland's Regeneration Forum (SURF) n.d. Land and Communities: Beyond the Echo Chamber. Report to the Scottish Land Commission.

Scottish Governent. 2018a. Engaging communities in decisions relating to land: guidance.

Scottish Government. 2018b. Scottish Vacant and Derelict Land Survey 2018.

Scottish Government. 2017. Scottish land rights and responsibilities statement.

Scottish Government. 2015. Impact Evaluation of the Community Right to Buy.

Scottish Land Commission. 2019. Review of Scale and Concentration of Land Ownership.

Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe) 2019. Land Reform at 20 – What does a post-feudal era look like? SPICe Spotlight briefing, 20 December.

Shields, K. 2018. Human Rights and the Work of the Scottish Land Commission. A discussion paper. Scottish Land Commission, Land Lines paper, May 2018.

Swanwick, C. 2009. Society's attitudes to and preferences for land and landscape. Land Use Policy 26(S1), pp. 62-75.

Thomson, S., Moxey, A., Wightman, A., McKee, A., Miller, D., Brodie, E., Glass, J., Hopkins, J., Mathews, K., Thomson, K., McMorran, R. and Bryce, R. 2016. The impact of diversity of ownership scale on social, economic and environmental outcomes: Exploration and case studies. Final report to Scottish Government (CR/2014/19).

van der Jagt. A. and Lawrence, A. 2019. Local government and urban forest governance: insights from Scotland. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 34(1), pp. 53-66.

Warren, C.R. and McKee, A. 2011. The Scottish Revolution? Evaluating the impacts of post-devolution land reform. Scottish Geographical Journal, 127(1), pp. 17-39.

Wightman, A. 2013. The Poor had no Lawyers: Who owns Scotland and how they got it. Birlinn, Edinburgh.

Young Scot 2019. Young People and their Local Areas. Scottish Land Commission, commissioned report.



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