Procurement activity: annual report 2018 to 2019

Overview of public procurement activity in Scotland for 2018 to 2019 based on information contained in individual procurement reports prepared by public bodies and other relevant information.

4. Future procurement activity

The 2014 Act requires public bodies to include a summary of the regulated procurements expected to commence in the next two financial years within their annual procurement reports. All 110 public bodies which submitted an annual procurement report for 2018 to 2019 provided a summary of the regulated procurements expected in the next two financial years. An estimated 6,028 regulated procurements are expected to commence in the next two years. Ninety-six (87%) public bodies gave information about their estimated procurement budget. Among these public bodies, the total estimated value of regulated procurements expected to begin in the next two years is around £12.3 billion.

The annual procurement reports illustrate the wide scope of expected procurements. While there were often similarities in the types of procurements expected across sectors, such similarities were also evident within individual sectors. For example:

  • local government – peer support for mental health, sports facilities and early years training providers
  • central government – application management, support services and digital skills
  • health – hospital refurbishments, clothing sterilisation and vehicle maintenance services
  • universities and colleges – graduation services, student counselling services and audio-visual equipment maintenance
  • registered social landlords – IT hardware, landscape maintenance and asbestos inspections

While actual procurement activity may change in line with changing circumstances or priorities, such transparency and visibility enables those wishing to do business with the public sector to gain an early indication of future contract opportunities. At the same time, it also helps public bodies to identify opportunities to collaborate with one another in relation to their future activity.



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