
Planning performance statistics: annual and quarterly reports, 2016-2017

Statistics on planning decision-making and timescales between the periods 2012 to 2013 and 2016 to 2017.

6. Average decision times - Quarterly trends for Legal Agreements

The timescales for applications with legal agreements ( Quarter 4, 2016/17: Tables 2 & 3) are dependent on the nature of the application, the particular complexities involved and the willingness of both the applicant and the planning authority to progress the matter at pace. Delays in concluding legal agreements are one of the more frequent reasons for the clock to be stopped on the decision time for an application. Better reporting of these delays is likely to contribute to some improvement in average decision times.

6.1 Local Developments with Legal Agreements

In the latest quarter there were 131 applications (validated post 3rd August 2009) where planning authorities have had planning/legal agreements in place for local developments. The average time taken to make decisions on these applications was 23.6 weeks, the quickest quarterly figure since the start of this data collection in quarter one of 2012/13.

Chart 41: Local Developments with Legal Agreements: Number of decisions

Chart 41: Local Developments with Legal Agreements: Number of decisions

Chart 42: Local Developments with Legal Agreements: Average decision time (weeks)

Chart 42: Local Developments with Legal Agreements: Average decision time (weeks)

6.2 Major Developments with Legal Agreements

There were 24 applications (validated post 3rd August 2009) where planning authorities have had planning/legal agreements in place for major developments. The average time taken to make decisions on these applications was 46.4 weeks in quarter four of 2016/17, quicker than the previous quarter (46.7 weeks) but slower than the equivalent quarter four figure in 2015/16 (31.5 weeks).

Chart 43: Major Developments with Legal Agreements: Number of decisions/

Chart 43: Major Developments with Legal Agreements: Number of decisions/

Chart 44: Major Developments with Legal Agreements: Average decision time (weeks)

Chart 44: Major Developments with Legal Agreements: Average decision time (weeks)

The timescales involved in concluding legal agreements prior to issue of planning permission will have had a significant influence on the overall average decision times for major applications.



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