
Planning performance statistics: annual and quarterly reports, 2016-2017

Statistics on planning decision-making and timescales between the periods 2012 to 2013 and 2016 to 2017.

5. Average decision times - Quarterly trends for Major Developments

5.1 All Major Developments

During the fourth quarter of 2016/17 there were 64 major applications decided, with an overall average decision time of 32.6 weeks, quicker by nine days compared to the previous quarter (33.9 weeks) but slower by more than five weeks compared to quarter four of 2015/16 (27.2 weeks).

When the 2 legacy cases are included the average decision time increases by almost 3 days to 33.0 weeks ( Quarter 4, 2016/17: Table 2).

In addition, there were 23 major developments decided in quarter four of 2016/17 that had processing agreements in place, with 74% of these meeting agreed timescales. Developments with processing agreements are not included in average time calculations.

Chart 33: All Major Developments: Number of decisions

Chart 33: All Major Developments: Number of decisions 

Chart 34: All Major Developments: Average decision time (weeks)

Chart 34: All Major Developments: Average decision time (weeks)

5.2 Major Housing

Major Housing developments are those with 50 or more dwellings or have a site area that is or exceeds 2 hectares where the predominant use is for housing.

There were 27 major housing applications decided during the fourth quarter of 2016/17, with an overall average decision time of 45.6 weeks, slower by six and a half weeks than the previous quarter (39.1 weeks) and slower than the equilavent quarter four figures for the previous three years. ( Quarter 4, 2016/17: Table 7).

In addition, there were 9 major housing applications that were subject to processing agreements with two thirds of these meeting agreed timescales.

Chart 35: Major Housing developments: Number of decisions

Chart 35: Major Housing developments: Number of decisions

Chart 36: Major Housing developments: Average decision time (weeks)

Chart 36: Major Housing developments: Average decision time (weeks)

Average figures based on a small number of applications can be volatile. In this quarter there were eight applications with a decision time of more than one year that increased the average. Two thirds of the 27 major housing development applications were decided in a time that was quicker than the average.

5.3 Major Business and Industry

Major Business and Industry developments are those with floor space that is or exceeds 10,000 square metres or have a site area that is or exceeds 2 hectares.

Due to the small numbers of applications for major business and industry developments, average decision times are very variable. For the most recent quarter there were 7 applications with an overall average decision time of 17.1 weeks, this compares with 7 applications with an average decision time of 43.4 weeks for the previous quarter. Quarter four figures for earlier years are 16.8 weeks in 2015/16, 22.3 weeks in 2014/15, 16.0 weeks in 2013/14 and 24.2 weeks in 2012/13. ( Quarter 4, 2016/17: Table 9).

Chart 37: Major Business and Industry developments: Number of decisions

Chart 37: Major Business and Industry developments: Number of decisions

Chart 38: Major Business and Industry developments: Average decision time (weeks)

Chart 38: Major Business and Industry developments: Average decision time (weeks)

In addition, there were two major business and industry applications that were subject to a processing agreement with one that met agreed timescales.

5.4 Major Other Developments

The category "other developments" includes any developments not falling wholly within any of the specific categories of development for minerals, housing, business & industry, waste management, electricity generation, fish farming. It includes, but is not limited to, retail, leisure and entertainment, education, healthcare, community facilities, transport interchanges, water and drainage developments and projects. It can also include mixed use projects. Major other developments are where the gross floor space of any building, structure or erection as a result of such development is or exceeds 5,000 square metres or the area of the site is or exceeds 2 hectares.

There were 25 major other developments in quarter four of 2016/17. These had an average decision time of 27.3 weeks, four and a half weeks slower than the previous quarter (22.8 weeks) and slower than the equivalent quarter four figure for 2015/16 (26.1 weeks). ( Quarter 4, 2016/17 - Table 11)

72% of the 25 major other development applications were decided in a time that was quicker than the average.

Chart 39: Major Other Developments: Number of decisions

Chart 39: Major Other Developments: Number of decisions

Chart 40: Major Other Developments: Average decision time (weeks)

Chart 40: Major Other Developments: Average decision time (weeks)

In addition, there were nine major other developments applications that were subject to a processing agreement with seven that met agreed timescales.

Information on decisions for other specific categories of developments is available within the detailed excel tables at: Planning Authority Performance Statistics 2016/17 Quarter 4



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