Tackling child poverty delivery plan 2022-2026 - annex 5: impact of policies on child poverty

This annex shows how policy contained within Best Start, Bright Futures the second tackling child poverty delivery plan 2022 to 2026 links to the child poverty targets, via the drivers of child poverty, and indicates where policies are linked to particular outcomes for priority groups.

Whole Family Wellbeing Funding

To enable a transformation shift in the way family support services are delivered from crisis intervention to preventive support that is wrapped around the individual needs of families. This change will support our ambition to significantly reduce the number of children and young people in care by 2030. The fund forms a key element of the Scottish Government response to keep the Promise.

  • Costs of living

Enhanced life chances (e.g. health, wellbeing, capabilities, longer term goals)

Potential size of impact

System wide enhancement

Type of impact

Indirect impact through system wide change in delivery

Certainty of impact


Priority families targeted by policy:

  • Lone parents
  • 3+ children
  • Disabled
  • Minority ethnic
  • Baby < 1
  • Mothers aged <25

The changes sought from the fund are system-wide in nature to ensure that the right support is in place for all children, young people and the adults that care for them. All families in need of support will be targeted. All priority families will be included.

Tracking progress

The evaluation approaches for the Whole Family Wellbeing Funding are currently under development, with input from stakeholders and The Promise Scotland. Governance arrangements are in place for the 2022-23 Whole Family Wellbeing Funding to provide oversight and ensure the approach to evaluation covers appropriate outcomes. Learning from 2022-23 will influence governance arrangements and evaluation approaches for future years.


Email: TCPU@gov.scot

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