Tackling child poverty delivery plan 2022-2026 - annex 3: child poverty measurement framework – updated

This annex to Best Start, Bright Futures: the second tackling child poverty delivery plan 2022 to 2026 provides an update on the measurement framework to monitor whether and how the drivers of poverty change over time.

Purpose and Summary of Review

The measurement framework was originally developed and published in 2018 alongside the first Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan to support the measurement of how the actions being taken were impacting on the drivers of poverty for children in Scotland.

Over the past four years since the plan was launched, we have learned that the drivers of poverty are still relevant in the way that they were intended and therefore it makes sense to continue using the same approach for the measurement framework. The indicators help us understand the direction of travel towards the 2030 child poverty targets.

Figure 1: Drivers of poverty
There are three child poverty drivers: income from employment, costs of living, and income from social security and benefits in kind. There are certain factors that impact on these drivers. Hourly pay, hours worked per household, skills and qualifications, labour market, and availability of affordable and accessible transport and childcare all impact on income from employment. In terms of cost of living, there are housing costs, other costs of living, debts, cost of transport and childcare as well as enablers (access to affordable credit, internet access, savings and assets). When looking at the driver of income from social security and benefits in kind, we look at the value of the benefits, reach of the benefits, eligibility criteria and take up.

In order to monitor whether and how these drivers of poverty change over time, a range of indicators were selected.

With the launch of the second Child Poverty Delivery Plan (2022-2026), the indicators were reviewed to assess whether:

  • The indicators were still appropriate and up to date to reflect current policy.
  • There was new data available that could measure indicators more robustly.
  • There were any gaps to be covered.


Email: TCPU@gov.scot

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