Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Act 2019: child interview rights - practitioners application guidance

Practitioners application guidance on child interview rights relating to the Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Act 2019.

Chapter 7 : How to apply

The expressions of interest is open to applications until 12 noon on 8 July 2022. We cannot accept late applications.

We will only accept expressions of interest on the application form. If you send us your application in any other format, we will not accept it.

There are word limits on the template and these are there to help you – they give you a good idea of how much information we are looking for.

You should be able to answer the questions within the word-counts that are set and this means we are assessing a similar amount of information for every application.

There is space in the application form to provide information about any other Scottish Government funding the firm receives. However, each of the applications will be assessed on their own merit, while considering the broader requirements of the Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Act 2019.

Everything you want us to consider should be included in the application. If you have any questions about the template form, please get in touch with us and we will be happy to help.

Please email completed application templates to



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