Activity Agreements National Implementation 2011-12

This paper provides a summary of reported participation in Activity Agreements during the first full year of the national roll-out of the programme (1 April 2011 to 31 March 2012). The paper outlines characteristics and outcomes for young people that have either completed or dropped out of an Activity Agreement during this period.


1. SCQF 4 is equivalent to Intermediate 1; General Standard Grade; SVQ 1; National Progression Awards and National Certificates.

2. For reference see:

3. "Otherwise Disengaged" includes young people who were reported as being in custody or economically inactive - along with being Unemployed, this was previously described as being in a 'Negative Destination'

4. "other activities" are reported by co-ordinators where the young person has progressed into an activity that doesn't fit into the pre-determined 'positive/negative' categories. We have no further information at present on these activities, but plan to follow up with co-ordinators where they occur frequently. These are not assumed to be a measure of disengagement (unemployment, inactivity, custody) and are reflected separately in the analysis.

5. Personal Characteristics - age, gender, Additional Support Needs (ASNs), qualifications, duration of Activity Agreement

6. MCMC Risk Factor variables - Looked After; Care Leaver; Young Carer; History of Offending; Drugs & Alcohol problems.

7. Cell sizes for 19 year olds are very small and preclude making any robust conclusions


Email: David Jack

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