
2017 non-domestic rating revaluation consultation on possible transitional arrangements: analysis of responses

Analysis of responses to the public consultation on possible transitional arrangements relating to the 2017 non-domestic rating revaluation.

Annex 2: Response rates to individual questions

Consultation question Number % of total responses (52)
Q1 Should the Scottish Government introduce a transitional scheme for the 2017 Revaluation? [Yes / No] 51* 98%
Q2 Do you have any views on how long any transitional relief should be in place? [No scheme / 3 years / 4 years / 5 years] 50* 96%
Q3 Do you have any views on how transitional relief should be funded? [Cap on bill reductions / Supplement on other ratepayers] 41* 79%
Q4 Do you have any other comments about transitional relief?] 51 98%

* Note that the response rates shown above for Questions 1-3 include imputed responses. This is where the respondent did not complete a copy of the consultation questionnaire, but rather their responses to the first three consultation questions have been inferred from their comments.


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