1+2 language learning survey: report

Findings from the 2019 survey of local authorities regarding progress with implementation of the 1+2 approach to language learning in Scottish schools.

5. Transition Between Primary and Associated Secondary Schools

The survey results show that the models used to ensure clear transition in language learning between primary schools and the associated secondary schools almost always involve, as a minimum, a sharing of key information on topics, vocabulary and resources, with some clusters sharing tracking and monitoring information on progression. Many clusters reported they ensure that there are sufficient opportunities for teachers from both sectors to meet and co-develop progressive planning formats.

In addition to 'traditional' transition mechanisms, such as a programme of P7 visits to the cluster secondary school, many local authorities reported that clusters organise free-standing modern languages transition events, P6 visits to the secondary school, cluster-based language 'adventure' days, transition projects and so on.


Email: ceu@gov.scot

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