
Youth justice strategy: progress report

Report on the progress made since the publication of the youth justice strategy, 'Preventing offending: getting it right for children and young people', in 2015.

Next Steps

We remain committed to delivering the priorities within the strategy and to supporting the vision that Scotland is the best place to grow up for all children and young people and ensuring that they have the best possible start in life.

The governance and strategic arrangements currently in place continue to be the most appropriate to enable partners to support and drive implementation in the context of the wider landscape.

The next phase will continue to involve communication and engagement but this will extend into delivery, implementation and testing what is achieved in the community.

Specific areas for priority

Over the next two years we will continue to deliver the priorities within the strategy through partnership working. We will continue to reflect and adapt to ensure implementation is focused on the right areas. We will:

Adapt and review priorities

The remit of the YJIB and the three implementation groups will be regularly reviewed with actions updated as necessary. A clear programme of delivery for the next phase of actions will be developed to ensure that there is successful delivery of priorities. The priorities being delivered will also match the wider needs of children and young people and practitioners. This will take in to consideration the priorities as recommended and highlighted in the CYCJ Stakeholder Consultation Delphi study.

Reflect on evidence and data

It is essential that we continue to learn from what evidence and data tells us and develop a strong evidence base from which to inform and deliver changes which are positive for all children and young people. Within this we will seek evidence of the impact of the strategy on practice and on outcomes for young people.

Engage with community, partners and young people

Wider discussion around the priorities will be encouraged through the sharing of action plans with practitioners and partners out with the YJIB.

In order to give children and young people the best start we need to ensure that they are able to participate and feel empowered. We will ensure that we support the development of this by listening to the views of young people.

Much of the work around youth justice links to other areas of work and wider priorities such as secure care, the root and branch care review, mental health, child poverty, victims and work being taken forward through Police Scotland and Community Justice. In order to progress we will continue to make the necessary links between the agendas and strategies, and help support a cohesive approach which focuses on areas of greatest impact.

Local Community Justice Outcome Improvement Plans play a key role in ensuring that young people receive the right help at the right time, in particular aiding those young people returning from custody back to the community to achieve positive destinations with support through housing, education and addiction services.

Strong local partnerships are key to delivering on the ground services for vulnerable young people and support for local partnerships will continue. Partnership working is crucial to the delivery and success of achieving the vision. Ensuring commitment and buy in from all partners will remain integral to the process over the next two years and beyond.


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