Young Persons Family Fund: terms and conditions

The Young Patients Family Fund will help to offset the cost of travelling to and from hospital during a young inpatient's (up to age 18) stay in hospital and the subsistence required to allow claimants to spend time to support the health and wellbeing of the child or young person.

10. Making a claim

Claims must be made to the NHS Board where the young inpatient is being cared for. If the young inpatient is transferred during treatment, separate claims should be made for each episode of care per hospital and signed by the relevant hospital staff.

For example: If your child is cared for in hospital in Glasgow, claims forms should be signed by the health professional in the ward in Glasgow and then the form returned to the cash team within NHS Glasgow. If the child is later transferred to a hospital in NHS Dumfries and Galloway, subsequent claims should be signed by that ward and submitted to NHS Dumfries and Galloway.

10.1 Claim Forms

YPFF(1) Claim forms are available from wards and cash offices. The form should be completed by (or on behalf of) the claimant of the eligible young inpatient and signed and certified as detailed on the form. This includes certification of qualification from an appropriate health professional. This includes (but is not limited to) neonatologists, neonatal nurses, paediatricians, nurse or other health professional responsible for the child's care.

10.2 Proof of Entitlement

In all cases where expenses are claimed, the claimant will be asked to provide proof of entitlement before their expenses are reimbursed. All YPFF(1) Forms must include details of the young inpatient's admittance date/s, ward, and signed confirmation by a health professional (as detailed above) that the young inpatient is/was resident on the ward during the duration of the claim. Forms that are not signed by the relevant healthcare professional and/or do not contain complete information may result in delays to claims or claims being rejected.

10.3 Suspected Fraudulent Claims

In cases where it appears that a claimant has deliberately applied for assistance with costs to which they are not entitled the matter will be referred to Counter Fraud Services. Cashiers may refuse to pay expenses in cash if they suspect a claim is fraudulent until further checks have been completed. This will result in delays in claimant receiving their expenses.

10.4 Retrospective Claims

Claims must be submitted within three months of the young inpatient's discharge from hospital. Claims outside this time will not be considered for reimbursement except in exceptional circumstances. Forms should be signed by appropriate staff prior to discharge. Exceptional circumstances should be submitted in writing to the claim team for consideration.



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