West of Scotland Marine Protected Area: business and regulatory impact assessment

Business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) which looks at the social and economic impacts of the designation of the West of Scotland Marine Protected Area.

Annex B: Summary of Ecosystem Services Benefits arising from the Designation and Management of the Site 

Services Relevance
to Site
On-site /
Baseline Level Estimated Impacts of Management Value Weighting Scale of Benefits Confidence
Lower estimate Intermediate estimate  Upper estimate
Fish and shellfish for human consumption Moderate, important spawning sites[4] On and Off Many stocks’ biomass are not at MSY Nil Deep sea species to benefit from protection Moderate, spawning areas for commercial species such as anglerfish – specifically on continental slopes around Rockall and juveniles have been observed around the Rockall Bank area. Key habitats e.g. for elasmobranchs [5] Low Moderate
Fish and shellfish for non-human consumption Stocks reduced from potential maximum
Climate regulation Moderate–high, carbon storage in deep sea habitats  On Uncertain but potentially important services Minimal Moderate Minimal  Moderate
Waste breakdown/ detoxification Low On-site  Low–moderate  Minimal Low Minimal Low
Non-use value of natural environment Moderate, deep sea features (e.g. sponges) and sites, have non-use value  On-site  Non-use value of the site may decline Moderate, protection of features of site from potential future decline Low–Moderate, protection of features is valued non-users  Moderate  Moderate, extent of features, and value to society all uncertain
Research and Education Moderate, a number of biological features have research value[6] On-site Value of site may decline  Low, protection of key characteristics of site from decline, improving future research opportunities Moderate Low–Moderate Low, extent to which research uses site in future uncertain.
Genetic Resources
Supporting services High On-site and off-site Moderate Designation and management reduces risks of future decline Moderate Low Moderate


Email: marine_conservation@gov.scot

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