
Violence prevention framework

This Framework sets out our vision to prevent violence across Scotland, and when it does occur, to reduce its harm. It is supported by an evidence supplement, spotlights some cross government work and includes priority aims and an action plan, outlining the initial activities going forward.

Action Plan

Over and above the cross government activity highlighted within this Framework, to help ensure the Vision and ambition of this Framework and the associated Vision for Justice are realised, work will be taken forward by our funded partner organisations to implement activities based on the three violence prevention levels:

  • 'Primary prevention' – preventing violence before it occurs by addressing the underlying causes.
  • 'Secondary prevention' – preventing further escalation of violence by identifying opportunities to intervene and enable change.
  • 'Tertiary prevention' – focused on reducing the harm from violence by concentrating on care, rehabilitation and safety.

As part of implementation, we will develop a Measurement Framework to identify a clear set of indicators we can use to monitor ongoing progress towards the Aims of this Framework. We will ensure implementation of the Framework continues to reflect and adapt to any changing trends in violence and new emerging evidence, including the future refresh of Equally Safe.

Working closely with our delivery partners, we will report annually on
the progress of the actions within this Action Plan.

We are all safe, and feel safe, in our communities

1. We will fund the Scottish Violence Reduction Unit to lead on work with partners to identify opportunities to ensure that our evening economy remains safe and free from violence.

2. The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service will continue to monitor and improve their service engagement processes and procedures to identify and support vulnerable and high risk people in their homes and communities to help keep people
safe from harm.

3. To complement implementation of this Framework, we will work with Police Scotland to support the development of their Violence Prevention Strategy during 2023/2024.

Our communities are stronger and more resilient

4. The Scottish Violence Reduction Unit will lead on work with partners to use the learning from their place-based pilot in Wallacetown, Ayr, to share the learning and, through 2023-2024 and beyond, develop the approach into further additional areas of need in Scotland.

5. During 2023, the Scottish Violence Reduction Unit will lead work in partnership with YouthLink Scotland, Police Scotland and other partners, to deliver possible solutions specifically aimed at targeting weapon carrying amongst some young people, and older people with histories of violence.

6. The Scottish Violence Reduction Unit will lead work with YouthLink Scotland and with other partners to identify opportunities over the next year to develop a collaborative plan with actions for harm reduction and violence prevention specifically targeting the effects of social media on violence.

7. By August 2023, we will review the findings from our stakeholder engagement with the Scottish Community Safety Network, to consider the next steps for work to prevent and tackle antisocial behaviour.

We participate in healthier more respectful relationships

8. We will consider the findings from our forthcoming Behaviour in Schools Research, which is due to be published in late 2023, and will work with partners to develop a response to any emerging issues relating to violence.

9. During 2023-2024, we will fund the Scottish Violence Reduction Unit to work with partners to explore further roll out of situational Bystander training to more organisations and communities, to improve the effectiveness of the approach and promote existing resources for wider use across Scotland.

10. The Scottish Violence Reduction Unit will deliver a pilot, based on our Suicide Prevention principles of Time, Space and Compassion[89]. This will be in place in 2023 and will help connect people and reduce the risk of harm and violence.

People at risk of experiencing violence are supported to live healthier, more productive lives

11. In 2023-2024, we will fund the Scottish Violence Reduction Unit and Medics Against Violence to extend their Navigator-style approaches, to help support more people with multiple complex issues, including problematic drug and alcohol use, to access and engage with appropriate services, to stop the revolving cycle of harm. In partnership between Medics Against Violence and the NHS, this will include further roll out of the Hospital Youth Navigator pilot, to ensure more young people will be able to access the help they need at an earlier stage in their lives.

12. During 2023-2024, Medics Against Violence will lead work, co-ordinating with other partners, to test out delivery of a new model of support for young people based within the community to prevent harm from violence escalating.

13. We will fund the Scottish Violence Reduction Unit during 2023-2024, to work with partners to develop an approach to tackle repeat violent victimisation, linking in with the Victims Task Force. This will be informed by the findings from the Scottish Government funded Repeat Violent Victimisation Research[90] , which is being conducted by researchers at the University of Glasgow and is due to be published later this year.

14. During 2023-2024, the Scottish Violence Reduction Unit will lead work to identify opportunities to intervene earlier to reduce and prevent harm by those that have been, or at risk of being, care experienced.



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