A transformational plan for children and young people requiring support from allied health professionals (AHPs)

This is the first children and young people’s services plan in Scotland to focus on the support provided by allied health professionals (AHPs). The plan sets the direction of travel for the design and delivery of AHP services to meet the well-being needs of children and young people. It is underpinned by the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014, the principles of Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

3. Implementation and governance

Ready to Act is a transformational action plan for children and young people involved with AHP services that will require strong leadership for quality improvement. The AHP National Lead for Children and Young People will provide support and leadership nationally for implementation of the plan, with advocacy and facilitation around operational elements provided by a nominated AHP director. 

Locally, AHP directors will be accountable for implementation of the plan, but it is expected that AHP children and young people's leads will be given authority to drive forward activities for local implementation in partnership with stakeholders. Board AHP children and young people's leads will be responsible for developing implementation plans and reporting against improvement activity in relation to the five ambitions, answering the following questions.

  • How are we doing?
  • How do we know?
  • What can we do differently to speed up implementation?

Activities to achieve the ambitions will be tested in pilot sites.

Peer support will continue to be provided through the AHP Children's Services Forum, which has representation from each territorial NHS board, NHS Education for Scotland and discrete service areas (such as children and adolescents' mental health services). 

Working groups will be established nationally to take forward priority actions that will impact across AHP services for children and young people in Scotland. Local working groups will test and produce evidence of change in relation to improvements required to achieve the five ambitions. 

AHP services for children and young people will collect data on change and report regularly on their improvement journey. This emerging evidence of transformational change will influence new developments across services going forward to 2020. There will be a requirement for self-evaluation of practice and service provision to ensure high-quality collaborative service delivery.

This commitment to evidencing and reporting change will deliver improved quality and evidence-informed change across AHP services for children and young people in Scotland.


Email: Julie Townsend

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