Summary of Community Planning Partnerships' (CPPs) Early Years Change Fund returns (2012-2015)

Impact evaluation of the Early Years Change Fund, as recorded by Community Planning Partnerships' in their annual returns (2012-2015).


Returns show that the Early Years Change Fund has had a positive impact on the outcomes for children and families in early years and on the quality of the services provided. There is evidence of a strong, continuing and developing commitment to the early years agenda across all CPPs.

While not all CPPs were able to provide information on spend or outcomes in the format required by the Change Form returns form, nevertheless all provided a wealth of evidence to support their early years activities which also showed a strong move towards prevention.

There is a strong focus on early years within both SOA and Community Plans and CPPs have firmly embedded the early years agenda within their ICSP and within other local plans and strategies that relate to early years, children or learning.

Returns showed that CPPs understand the need for clear structures and lines of reporting and accountability to ensure delivery of local priorities.

Integration of services emerged as an important feature, with CPPs reporting integration of various strategic plans as well as integrated service provision at local levels. Across the CPPs there was evidence of strong partnership and multi-agency working, joint action groups and community engagement.

CPPs reported on a wide range of outcomes they have identified as needing improvement and provided information on a large number of activities being undertaken to meet local needs.

The EYC featured in many returns with CPPs reporting that the EYC has been well received and has helped strengthen communication, co-ordination and partnership working.

There are mechanisms, including outcome measures and indicators and performance indicators, in place in order to identify improvements. These include widespread use of improvement methodology which is enabling CPPs to identify areas where real change is taking place and where activities are making a real difference for children and their families.

CPPs are continuing to plan for the future, with reports of work underway aimed at identifying the next steps towards improving outcomes for children and young people.


Email: Steven Fogg,

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