Strengthening fire safety for high rise domestic buildings: consultation

Consultation on guidance for fire safety and information for people responsible and residents of high rise buildings. This consultation is now closed.

Part 2 Fire safety campaign regarding common areas

In this section of the consultation we are looking to gather information to help develop a fire safety campaign about common areas in high rise domestic buildings. This campaign will seek to raise awareness on the fire risks associated with any items that might be left in common areas; this includes items that may block your access to and exit from the building, not just those items that will burn.

Common areas are generally areas of a building that are not only for use by individual residents (e.g. common corridors, stairways, plant rooms, other ancillary areas, bin stores).

11. Would having clearer information on the dangers of leaving items that will burn in common areas, encourage people not to do this?

Yes / No / In part

Please select only one answer and provide any comments in the box below.

12. Would images to highlight the damage caused by fires started in common areas be helpful to encourage people not to leave items that will burn in those areas?

Yes / No / In part

Please select only one answer and provide any comments in the box below.

13. Please let us know if you have any further comments about the fire safety campaign regarding common areas in high rise domestic buildings.

14. If you live in a high rise domestic building, is there a process in place for the assessment and removal of items left in common areas?

Yes / (if yes go to Question 15) No / Don’t know

Please select only one answer and provide any comments in the box below.

If you answered No or Don’t Know to Question 14, please go to Question 16.

15. If you answered yes to question 14; does the process work?

Yes / No / Don’t know

Please select only one answer and provide any comments in the box below.

Communication of campaign

16. What is the best way to get information on keeping common areas safe from fire? Please indicate from 1 to 5 what would be your most and least preferred.

1 Most Preferred – 5 Least Preferred







Printed Leaflet by post

SFRS home fire safety visits

Video/Animation on a website

Notice Board/Poster in

the Building

Printed information from owner/landlord when first moving in

Via local residents group meetings

Other / please provide and comments on how you prefer to get information below.



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