Strategic Board minutes: June 2016

Minutes of the Strategic Board which meets quarterly, chaired by the Permanent Secretary, in June 2016.

Attendees and apologies


Leslie Evans (Chair), Paul Gray, Alyson Stafford, Ken Thomson, Liz Ditchburn (in part), Sarah Davidson (in part), Paul Johnston, Barbara Allison, Nicky Richards, David Harvie (in part), Carol Tannahill, Gary Gillespie, Christina Allon, Janet Hamblin, Linda McKay, NXD



In attendance

James Hynd, Helen Buckley, George Ritchie

Items and actions


09:00 Welcome and introductions

09:05 Minutes and actions of SB(16) 1st meeting

09:10 Review

09:25 Readiness to serve a new administration

10:00 SG2020

10:30 Deep dive on Finance and Risk

11:00 Audit and Risk from SGARC/PARC

11:05 Governance review

11:45 AOB

11:50 Close


Please note that parts of the record of discussion are considered exempt from publication and have been redacted.

Welcome and introductions

The chair opened this meeting of the Strategic Board (SB) and extended a warm welcome to Liz Ditchburn who replaced Graeme Dickson, Paul Johnston on his substantive appointment and David Harvie, Crown Agent who replaced Catherine Dyer.

Minutes and actions

Minutes of SB(16) 1st meeting were approved. All actions from that meeting have been completed.

There were no declarations of interest.


The Board reviewed trends and evidence in relation to:

  • performance and outcomes
  • finance and risk
  • SG2020 vision


  • the National Performance Framework will be reviewed including considering what sits beneath the data and looking beyong aggregated scores
  • the Board acknowledged it was helpful to see a clear picture and longer term direction of travel
  • be mindful that topics in one quadrant of the risk representatioal slide could easily be identified as sitting in another quadrant but the key is challening ourselves
  • we need to consider how the economic thread is seamlessly entwined with SG2020 and common within policy links
  • Ken Thomson provided an update on progress with the Organisational Efficiency and People and Capability data

Readiness to serve a new administration


  • reflected upon the priorities of the new administration
  • considered the economic divergence
  • focussed discussion on inclusive growth


Ken Thomson provided an overview of activity of the four themes since the launch of SG2020 and stocktake of progress to date.


  • we will now publish costs for the whole of the Government rather than administration costs
  • deliberated transforming our workplaces and investment in the SG estate and digital services
  • considered organisational priorities, business planning, our corporate approach to transferable resource and the communication required

Deep dive on Finance and Risk

Alyson Stafford provided an update on the Finance Report and Risks including resource and capital and shared examples of best practice from recent Infrastructure and Investment Board.

Audit and Risk from SGARC/PARC

Janet Hamblin provided an update on the Governance Review.


  • positive feedback in the scope / role / mode of Executive Team
  • considered whether sufficient levels of assurance and scrutiny were maintained
  • deliberated if any areas required refinement
  • considered Directors role in the new structure and corporate responsibility
  • reflected upon the role of Non-Executive Directors
  • contemplated the activity and scope of proposed Boards, management of risk and external input
  • agreed new structure to be implemented from September 2016


No items for discussion

Strategic Board(16) 2nd meeting 02_06_16.pdf



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