
Statistical Bulletin - Reconviction Rates in Scotland: 2007-08 and 2008-09 Offender Cohorts

This publication provides detailed analyses of two year reconviction rates for offenders up to the 2007-08 cohort, as well as one year reconviction rates up to the 2008-09 cohort.


[1] Previously reported as 44.0%, however the revised figure is marginally higher at 44.1%.

[2] See Section 3.

[3] The reconviction frequency rate and reconviction rate applies to all offenders subject to an index disposal, irrespective of whether the offender successfully completed their sentence. Information is not available via the Scottish Offenders Index on completion rates for community sentences.

[4] Royal Statistical Society (2003) Performance Indicators: Good, Bad, and Ugly Royal Statistical Society Working Party on Performance Monitoring in the Public Services. Obtained from

[5] Battersby, J. & Flowers, J. (2004) Presenting performance indicators Eastern Region Public Health Observatory. Obtained from

[6] Spiegelhalter, D. J. (2005) Funnel plots for comparing institutional performance Statistics in Medicine 24 1185-1202.

[7] Reconviction rates are standardised using a logistic regression model with the following predictors: Copas rate, number of previous convictions, number of previous offences and CJA. The Copas rate is a single measure which reflects the intensity and length of the offender's criminal career (expressed as log (number of sanction occasions / (10 + years between first and current sanction))).

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