Social care - Practitioner and Stakeholder Panel minutes: May 2023 - easy read
Minutes from the Practitioner and Stakeholder Panel meeting on 9 May 2023.
Practitioner and Stakeholder Panel Meeting : Minutes of meeting - May 2023

A practitioner is a member of staff.
A stakeholder is someone from an organisation or group that supports our work.
Who was at the meeting?

Vice Chair: Stuart Currie - of the Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation of Social Care in Scotland (IRISR)
In the rest of this document this will be called 'the review'.
Practitioner and Stakeholder members (the panel)
- Care Home Relatives Group
- Coalition of Care and Support Providers (CCPS)
- Inclusion Scotland
- People Led Policy Panel (2 people)
- Scottish Care
- Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs
- The Health and Social Care Alliance (The Alliance)
- The Promise Scotland

- The Royal College of Nursing Scotland (RCN)
- The Scottish Young Carers Services Alliance Network
Scottish Government secretariat

A secretariat is an admin team that gives support with meetings
- Kerry Brooks
- Arlene Crockett
- Daniel Nagy
Who could not come to the meeting?

Practitioners and Stakeholders from:
- British Association of Social Workers
- Carer Centres Managers Network
- Coalition of Carers in Scotland
- Queen's Nursing Institute Scotland
- Scottish Adoption
- Self-Directed Support Scotland 
- Social Work Scotland
Items and actions
Approval of minutes from the last meeting

An action is what will happen.
Action: The panel agreed the minutes from the April meeting and they will be published on the IRISR website.
Review progress so far

The Vice Chair updated the panel on current progress of the review:
- meetings with expert witnesses have finished
- the draft review is bringing together information from:
- the call for evidence and engagement programme
- discussions of the Independent Review Panel and the Practitioner and Stakeholder Panel

Thoughts from the Chair

The Chair of the review was not at the meeting so this item did not happen.
Is there anything else we need to talk about?

A member of the secretariat thanked panel members for their feedback on the draft Equality Impact Assessment and confirmed it is being looked at.
Feedback is what people think about something.
Draft means it is not the final version.

Equality Impact Assessments are ways to make sure the way people work, and work policies treat everyone fairly and equally.

The secretariat will email panel members about any changes to the Equality Impact Assessment draft.
The secretariat said all draft impact assessments would be checked and updated after the review has made its recommendations.
A recommendation is what the review thinks should happen.

The secretariat will email members with new dates for panel members to give feedback on all draft impact assessments.

Panel members asked for another meeting with the Chair of the review.
This would be helpful to understand:
- themes in the review
- draft recommendations

The Vice Chair agreed to take all feedback from panel members back to the Chair and then say what will happen next.

There is a problem
Thanks for your feedback