
Short Scottish Secure Tenancy for homeowners: guidance for social landlords

Guidance on using the ground for granting a short Scottish Secure Tenancy to a homeowner introduced in the Housing (Scotland) Act 2014.

3. Allocating social housing to a homeowner

3.1 When considering allocating a tenancy to a homeowner, landlords have the option of giving a Scottish secure tenancy (SST) or, where they consider that the homeowner could meet their own housing needs within a foreseeable timescale, they can use this new provision to allocate a property using a short SST.

3.2 A short SST can be given where an applicant, or a person who is intending to live with the applicant, owns heritable property that:

  • they cannot access; or
  • which is not suitable for their immediate needs.

3.3 However, the person should have a level of housing need that means they are eligible to be allocated a property.



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