
Scottish Welfare Fund: statutory guidance May 2019

This guidance has been superseded by a 2021 version.

Annex E

b) Template for Recording a First Tier Review 

Case Number:
Grant Applied For:
Date Review Request Received:
Application Date:
Name of the Officer who undertook the review
Date first review carried out:

Summary of application
Summary of key facts taken in to account in making the decision
Any information gathered that was actively disregarded
How has applicant been given the opportunity to put their case?  
Reason given to the applicant for the decision made:
Any other support offered to or received by the applicant as a result of their application.
Any other relevant information
Decision of the First Tier Review Decision maker 

Qualifying Criteria

Reasons for this decision

Review Officers are advised to tell the original decision maker why they are revising a decision if they decide to do so, to improve consistency in decision making and to share best practice.



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