
Scottish Marine Protected Areas (MPA) monitoring strategy: supporting annexes 7 to 8

Annexes 7 and 8 of the MPA monitoring strategy covering the recently completed MPA monitoring activities and surveys planned in the next two years.

Annex 8: A forward-look work programme for MPA and wider seas biodiversity monitoring – 2023 & 2024

The tables on the following pages provide a summary of proposed MPA-related marine biodiversity survey and monitoring work to be undertaken, co-ordinated or commissioned by Scottish Government (SG), NatureScot (NS) and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) over the next few years. Whilst primarily MPA-related, this includes studies facilitated by MS research vessels (e.g. MASTS cruise time allocations). The tables encompass work on marine mammals, fish and seabed habitats.

The survey proposals for 2023 and beyond are indicative only at this stage and subject to revision.

Work on marine waterbirds (as outlined in Annex 4 of the original MPA Monitoring Strategy) will also continue e.g. SCARABBS, RBBP, WeBS, NEWS. Monitoring of reserves by partner organisations particularly RSPB, NTS and Ringing Groups will contribute to future monitoring as before.

A wide range of other NGO-led and volunteer-driven surveys continue to make an invaluable contribution to MPA assessment and reporting obligations. These studies have not been incorporated in the forward-look programme. NatureScot is currently working with relevant external partners to ensure that future NatureScot funding helps improve the evidence-base upon which decisions relating to Scotland’s marine natural heritage are made. This includes prioritising MPA-related monitoring.


Feature group



Description of works



Marine mammals

Harbour seals

South-East Islay Skerries SAC

Aerial surveys during harbour seal moult (August) around coastline from Loch Hourn down to the Solway Firth border

Type 1

SMRU / NatureScot

Eileanan agus Sgeiran Lios mor SAC

Boat surveys during harbour seal moult (August) in Eileanan agus Sgeiran Lios mor SAC

Type 1


Grey seals

Faray and Holm of Faray SAC

Biennial aerial surveys of the main grey seal breeding colonies in Scotland. (September to December)

Type 1


Isle of May SAC

Monach Isles SAC

North Rona SAC

Treshnish Isles SAC

Berwickshire and North Northumberland Coast SAC


Annual boat/land based grey seal breeding surveys of main colonies in Shetland

Type 1


Bottlenose dolphins

Moray Firth SAC

Passive acoustic array at 31 locations along the east coast (April to November) of Scotland.

Type 0


Photo-identification studies of bottlenose dolphins in the east coast population - Moray Firth surveys

Type 1

University of Aberdeen

Photo-identification studies of bottlenose dolphins in the east coast population - Firth of Tay and Firth of Forth surveys

St Andrews University

Harbour porpoise

Inner Hebrides and the Minches SAC

Passive acoustic array at 10 locations within the SAC (year round)

Towed PAM (inc. winter data) & continuation of SPUE survey for cetaceans and basking shark on west coast

Type 0

Type 0



Risso’s dolphin

North-East Lewis MPA

Photo-identification studies of population & fixed PAM

Type 1


Minke Whale

Sea of the Hebrides MPA

SPUE survey for cetaceans and minke whale on west coast

Type 1




Bycatch monitoring through on-board observer programme

Type 2

Co-ordinated by SMRU

Marine mammals


Strandings investigations lead by SMASS around the coast of Scotland with post-mortem examinations taking place in situ or in facilities at University of Glasgow

Type 2

SMASS/ University of Glasgow



Basking shark

Sea of Hebrides MPA

Acoustic tagging of basking sharks and potentially tope with a small array covering Gunna Sound and SW Tiree to investigate rates of individual annual returns and potentially estimate numbers using area.

Collection of SPUE of cetaceans and basking sharks on west coast by HWDT.

Further camera tag work to investigate social behaviour and determine if breeding occurs in site. Potentially further trialling of image sonar to detect groups of sharks.

Type 0 & 1

NatureScot / MSS/ University of Exeter /

Flapper Skate

Loch Sunart to Sound of Jura MPA

PIT tags and photo-ID mark-recapture analysis

Type 1


Seabed habitats

PMF mgt. areas

Various including Loch Eribol, Loch Bracadale, Eddrachilles etc

Drop-down video surveys to improve our knowledge of PMF features in PMF area.

Type 1

NatureScot / MSS Alba cruise 0523a

Subtidal sandbanks

Sound of Barra SAC

Infaunal sampling in repeat monitoring boxes, combined with video sampling of maerl and coarse sediment habitats to establish baseline from which to assess effectiveness of management measures.

Type 1 & 3

NatureScot / MSS Alba cruise 0523a

Maerl beds; maerl or coarse shell gravel; seagrass beds

South Arran MPA

Diver monitoring of established transects. Seagrass bed mapping (drone/echosounder techniques validated by snorkelers)

Types 1 & 3


Flame shell beds

Wester Ross and Loch Carron MPAs and Inner Sound

Video, infaunal, diver and acoustic surveys to assess presence, condition, recovery, and effectiveness of management measures

Types 0, 1 & 3

NatureScot & NatureScot / MSS (Alba cruise 0523a

Loch Carron MPA

Diver surveys to assess effects of creeling

Type 1

Heriot-Watt University / NatureScot

Flame shell beds, serpulid reefs

Loch Creran SAC / MPA

Repeat diver monitoring of relocatable, subtidal Didemnum vexillum invasive non-native species monitoring stations.

Type 2

Heriot-Watt University / NatureScot

Rocky shores

Shetland and the Inner Hebrides

Continuation of MarClim rocky shore survey work (broad community changes incl. effects of climate change)

Type 2

SAMS - funded NatureScot / MS

Burrowed mud

Central Fladen

A day grab survey of the burrowed mud feature will take place in June 2023.

Type 1

JNCC / MSS (Scotia)

Annex 1 bedrock and stony reef

Pobie Bank

This survey in July\August 2023 aims to collect the 2nd point in a monitoring time series using video and still imagery from a drop camera. If possible, side scan data will be used to fill in the gaps in the acoustic coverage for the site. This data will be used to produce a new habitat map for the site.

Type 1

JNCC / MSS (Scotia)


Divers, grebes, seaducks and European shag

Outer Firth of Forth and St Andrews Bay Complex SPA or Moray Firth SPA

Digital Aerial Surveys of inshore wintering waterfowl during winter 2023/34

Type 1


Wintering gulls (all species except kittiwake)

UK-wide but including Outer Firth of Forth and St Andrews Bay Complex SPA and Solway Firth SPA

Winter Gull Roost Survey (WinGS). Last surveyed 2005.

Type 1

BTO led, funded by SNCBs and government bodies.

Breeding seabird colonies


Key seabird colonies to be monitored under SCM. Additional proposed sites include: East Caithness Cliffs, Flannan Isles, Mingulay and Berneray, North Rona and Sule Sgeir, Sanda Islands, Shiant Isles, St Kilda, Priest Island (Summer Isles), Fair Isle, Ailsa Craig, Noss, Foula, Hoy, Rousay, Staffa, Stroma, Sule Skerry and Sule Stack, Sumburgh Head, Hermaness and Handa.

Type 1

Collaboration across organisations, including NatureScot, RSPB, BTO

Breeding seabird colonies


Additional sites have been added to 2023 monitoring as a result of HPAI impacts.

Type 1

NatureScot, RSPB


The seal surveys are planned with SMRU as part of their 5-year rolling programme covering the entire Scottish coastline but may be subject to revision depending on weather conditions and logistics. The cetacean monitoring work for the 2024 season is currently under discussion with key partner organisations; the existing memorandum of agreements with partners complete at the end of 2023/24. The aim in future is to develop a strategic programme of monitoring work for the cetacean MPAs from 2024 onwards. Similarly, there is ongoing dialogue with partners and experts to develop a programme of monitoring for elasmobranchs and other fish species from 2024 onwards. The seabed habitat survey proposals for 2024 are indicative only at this stage and may be subject to revision with focus and scope of programme currently subject to discussion.

Feature group



Description of works



Marine mammals

Harbour seals

Yell Sound Coast SAC

Aerial surveys during harbour seal moult (August) around the North Coast, Orkney and Shetland coastline.

Type 1

SMRU/ NatureScot

Mousa SAC

Sanday SAC

Grey seals

Faray and Holm of Faray SAC

Biennial aerial surveys of the main grey seal breeding colonies in Scotland. (September to December).

Type 1


Isle of May SAC

Monach Isles SAC

North Rona SAC

Treshnish Isles SAC

Berwickshire and North Northumberland Coast SAC


Biennial aerial surveys of the main grey seal breeding colonies in Scotland. (September to December).

Type 1




Bycatch monitoring through on-board observer programme

Type 2

Co-ordinated by SMRU

Marine Mammals


Photo-identification studies of bottlenose dolphins in the east coast population - Firth of Tay and Firth of Forth surveys

Strandings investigations lead by SMASS around the coast of Scotland with post mortem examinations taking place in situ or in facilities at University of Glasgow.

Type 1

Type 2

St Andrews University

SMASS/ University of Glasgow

Harbour Porpoise

Inner Hebrides and the Minches SAC

Towed PAM (inc. winter data) & continuation of SPUE survey for cetaceans and basking shark on west coast

Type 0


Risso’s dolphin

North-East Lewis MPA

Photo-identification studies of population & fixed PAM

Type 1


Minke whale

Sea of the Hebrides MPA

SPUE survey for cetaceans and minke whale on west coast

Type 1




Basking shark

Sea of Hebrides MPA

Acoustic tagging work to continue investigation of rates of individual annual returns and potentially estimate numbers using area.

Potentially further camera tagging work to investigate social behaviour and determine if breeding occurs in site.

Collection of SPUE data for basking shark as part of HWDT’s cetacean monitoring programme (currently in the process of setting up the next MoU to continue this work).

Desk based work to investigate feasibility of use of high definition satellite imagery for monitoring, if feasible may run contract to purchase data and analyse.

Type 0 & 1

NatureScot / MSS/ University of Exeter / HWDT

Flapper Skate

Loch Sunart to Sound of Jura MPA

PIT tags and photo-ID mark-recapture analysis

Type 1

SAMS / NatureScot

Seabed habitats

Burrowed mud; flame shell beds

Upper Loch Fyne & loch Goil MPA

Small vessel DDV, infaunal sampling, diving.

Type 1


PMF mgt. areas

Various - scale of works TBC

Drop-down video surveys to establish baseline conditions prior to the introduction of fisheries management measures (dependant on timescales) monitoring strategy for PMF areas under consideration

Type 1


Maerl beds

Wyre and Rousay Sounds MPA

Small vessel DDV, infaunal sampling, diving.

Type 1


Flame shell beds, serpulid reefs

Loch Creran SAC / MPA

Repeat diver monitoring of relocatable, subtidal Didemnum vexillum invasive non-native species monitoring stations.

Type 2

Heriot-Watt University / NatureScot

Subtidal sandbanks

Sound of Barra SAC

Small vessel DDV, infaunal sampling, diving – shallower maerl and seagrass

Type 1 & 3


Annex 1 bedrock stony & biogenic reef

Wyville Thomson Ridge SAC

Video and still imagery data of epifaunal communities will be collected using a drop camera.




Divers, grebes, seaducks and European shag


Digital Aerial Surveys of inshore wintering waterfowl during winter 2024/25.

Type 1


Breeding and non-breeding marine birds at sea


Continued VSAS surveys planned for 2024.

Type 1

JNCC, NatureScot

Wintering gulls (all species except kittiwake)


WinGS survey to continue into winter of 2024/2025

Type 1


Breeding seabird colonies

Monach Isle MPA, Clyde Sill MPA, East Caithness Cliffs MPA

Key seabird colonies to be monitored as normal under SCM.

Type 1

Collaboration across organisations, including NatureScot, RSPB, BTO

Black guillemot

Small Isles MPA, Fetlar to Haroldswick MPA, Papa Westray MPA, East Caithness Cliffs MPA

Camera trapping and nocturnal census with thermal camera to determine presence and activity of mammalian predators on the MPAs. Use of time-lapse cameras to establish black guillemot fishing activities and trail cams set at nest locations to check for breeding activity and kleptoparasitism rates.

Type 2


Black guillemot

Boat surveys. Last surveys were in 2013.

Type 1




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