Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Volume 3 Number 6: Development of a GIS based Aquaculture Decision Support Tool (ADST) to determine the potential benthic impacts associated with the expansion of salmon farming in Scottish sea lochs

This paper presents a GIS based aquaculture decision

support tool (ADST) to assist with planning the sustainable development of the aquaculture

industry in Scotland.

Annex 6

ADST Phase 2 results showing number of fish farm sites and potential biomass values given certain criteria for benthic impacts and the final potential biomass (B MAX) (Lochs ordered by region).

Annex 6 table showing both Bold Values
Annex 6 table showing both Bold Values
Annex 6 table showing both Bold Values
Annex 6 table showing both Bold Values
Annex 6 table showing both Bold Values


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