The Scottish Governments Response to the Report of the National Primary Care Workforce Survey Advisory Group

SG response to the report generated by the Group who provided advice and guidance concerning the National Primary Care Workforce Survey.

Annex: Workforce Survey Advisory Group Recommendations

1. It is recommended that the following issues are considered in respect of the refinement of the In Hours form:

  • Evaluate with ISD Scotland, the advantages and disadvantages of targeting a representative sample of GP practices, rather than targeting 100% of practices.
  • Include questions targeted at those practices which have opted-in to provide an Out of Hours (OOH) service to their own patients.
  • Request data on time spent in excess of sessional commitment undertaking related duties, such as administrative tasks.
  • Request data on when GPs are working day shifts and OOH back to back.
  • Request data on GPs and nurses in Scotland who work on a locum basis: their age profile and the number of sessions they work in "In Hours" General Practice.
  • Request data on those clinical staff employed by Health Boards but placed in GP practices.

2. It is recommended that the following issues are discussed with the National Out of Hours Operations Group and Health Board workforce planners to inform the development of the OOH form for future Surveys.

  • Key questions to be raised in the Survey.
  • Feasibility of OOH services providing robust and comparable data in response to Survey questions.
  • Definitions for certain terms used in the Survey.
  • Intended uses of the results.
  • Actual use of the results of the 2013 Survey.

3. It is recommended that the next National Primary Care Workforce Survey and all future surveys should collect information about both In Hours and GP Out of Hours services.

4. It is recommended that the scope of the Survey is expanded to request data on all those employed by the GP Practice.

5. It is recommended that a National Primary Care Workforce Survey be undertaken every 2 years, with feedback provided to the primary care sector in the year between, about the previous year's Survey and how it has informed workforce planning. In addition, if undertaken every 2 years, the Scottish Government should liaise with:

  • ISD Scotland and primary care stakeholders to clarify the objectives of the Survey.
  • ISD Scotland about making the process more efficient and cost-effective.
  • ISD Scotland and SGPC about whether local systems/processes could be adapted to make it easier for GP practices to provide the required information in respect of In Hours' service.
  • ISD Scotland and SGPC about whether the collection and collation stages of the Survey could be streamlined.
  • ISD Scotland and Health Board workforce planners about whether local systems/processes could be adapted to make it easier for Boards to provide the required information in respect of the GP OOH service.
  • Health Boards about supporting the development of the Survey, as well as supporting its promotion, completion (by GP Practices and OOH Board leads) and use locally thereafter.

6. It is recommended that future surveys are undertaken on the basis of a 31 August census date and 6 weeks are allowed for completion and return of the forms.

7. It is recommended that, in discussing how to maximise the response rate when planning future Surveys, the options considered include the viability of the provision of financial support in recognition of the resources required to complete it as effectively as possible.

8. It is recommended that the guidance which accompanies the In Hours form includes advice on those within the GP practice who may be able to provide which elements of the data requested, such as Practice Nurses for the nursing questions.

9. It is recommended that networks and representative bodies should be used to forward promotional messages to members and interested parties, raising awareness of the Survey and the short and long term benefits to the primary care sector of availability of accurate and robust data. In addition, a reminder should be circulated 3 weeks into the 6 weeks of the Survey period.



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